so true MB. The corporate bully makes the rules and we become puppets on a string. How embarrassing! How demeaning.
I loathe bullies. I loathe them. They are everywhere and even in my extended family. I believe my sister-in-law (SIL), through marriage to my husband's brother, is a bully and I dread seeing her. However, everyone else thinks she's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I have no idea why. People flock to her when she talks. When I talk, she walks away. When she sees me, she ignores me for the first 10 - 15 minutes and then she will acknowledge me. I always have to say hello first and come up to her and hug her. She approaches my husband before me ALL THE TIME, while I just stand there waiting for her to see me.
Obviously, I have a hard time with this and wanted to post this thread as I first mentioned in Swimmer's initial thread about bullies. I'm glad Swimmer posted this as I couldn't get to it.
I don't know what it is about my SIL. She has gobs and gobs of friends and quite a few really best friends, while I have about 3 really good friends and many others that I consider my friends. My SIL has yelled at me in my own house and has even yelled at her own friends in public places to the degree where her friends have left the party in tears, yet, they come back to her and stay close and throw her parties and come to her side, etc. She had even told off two of our mutual friends so badly that they didn't come to our wedding for fear that she would "go off" on them and ruin our wedding. Yet, the two friends (who are a married couple) still go to all her functions, football BB Q's, baby shower's, birthday partys, etc. The couple is initially friends with SIL's husband (my husband's brother) and this guy is a really good guy, etc. so perhaps they feel obligated. No? Don't' you guys think that must be a pretty big obligation??
My husband's family loves the SIL. They think she is so smart and great and lovely. They just always say "That's how she is you know, tough and practical and she tells it like it is!"
For the love of God! I HATE THAT SAYING "Oh, she so brutally honest, she really tells it like it is." I would rather poke sticks in my eyes than to hear them say that. But you know what, that's what everyone else says too. Is it me that does not accept her flaws? Am I being an N? Am I overly sensitive?
I'm sorry, I just don't buy the whole "Oh that Staci, she's a real pistol, she's a go-getter and not a softy, she tells the truth." So if I tell the truth like: Hey Staci, you are a horrendous bully! You are so disrespectful to me and it's not funny, you are mean and spiteful and you have no problem with wallking on people's feelings...." Then will people say "Oh that Bear, she's such a toughy, she's so great and tells it like it is, that girls is great!" HELL NO!! They would more likely say, "Hey Bear, you have issues, you can't lash out like that and you should say sorry...Bear you need to control yourself more and that wasn't very mature of you, why on earth would you say something like that?"
It's like the bully gets protected by everyone else and never gets shattered the way they shatter others. What is this dynamic all about Dr. G? Or, I may have it all wrong. Am I jealous of my SIL?