I, too, am an only child, now left with an old NMom, so I was pulled into your post.
Thank you for showing me what to expect, through your eyes and your experience. As I started to write this, I hesitated because I automatically began to write "my sympathies in your loss" but then I thought that the Passing of your Mother, while a loss, is also the beginning of the next stage of your life, where she will no longer be able to cause you pain. That might feel like tons of shackles are being removed, slowly, one by one, and you might come to discover that, for the first time in your life, you are Free to Be All That You Can Be. It might be overwhelming at first, so take the time you need, be kind to yourself, without those NM comments holding you back, any more. You have more than earned a time of Peace. It is already happening, when you have been able to freely enjoy your old friends.
If you are able, from time to time, it would be very healing for many of us, if you might consider sharing your journey with us. It will help guide the steps of those of us, like me, who still have to go down that road.
I wonder how you were able to stand greeting all the visitors without screaming "If you only knew The Truth." That is my biggest fear in anticipation. Earlier this year, I had to endure the accolades at the passing away of my NDad, and it still haunts me, for I had to smile, and once again stay silent, holding in The Truth, because my NMom is still alive.
But, I know that one day the pain will end, and you are helping to give me that hope, and for that I say a very sincere 'thank you'.