Author Topic: N's and sudden change, do they?  (Read 2947 times)


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Re: N's and sudden change, do they?
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2010, 01:37:29 PM »
Hi Bear,

Well, you know, everyone here is going to have a different opinion about whether finding God is helpful to an N or not!  Or whether they can even find God since they have always believed that they ARE God.

But, beyond that, is the struggle that you are having with your mother's over-the-top enthusiasm.  I have noticed that this kind of thing is common in Nish people.  Maybe everyone in the whole world has had a baby, but there baby is the brightest, most beautiful etc.  I dont know if you have run across with other people--moms who can only talk about their kids, new homeowners who can only talk about their house, new lovers who can only talk about their sweetheart.  Some of this is just regular, ol' human nature, some of it is (I think) because as a culture we are rather "me" oriented, and sometimes its a manifestation of N'ism. 

Generally, we are most threatened by someone else's obsessions like this when we dont share them--and usually if we feel slightly less than because we dont.  Two religious people can be very enthusiastic together, two new moms can compare diaper rash for long periods of time....But someone who wishes she had a baby is annoyed by the constant baby focus.  Someone who is baby-less and doesnt even WANT a baby, is incensed.  (heard of the Mommy war?)  Likewise, people who have newly "discovered God" can be very annoying--esp. to those who havent and dont want to.  Add to the N-injuries you have already sustained and this ha
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: N's and sudden change, do they?
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2010, 01:41:52 PM »
...VERY reply posted all by itself.

Anyway, I could tell you that your mom is a flake but you already know that.  Or that she is rude, but you know that too.

The big thing is to realize that no matter what you say or do (and this would be true if you were dealing with a non-N as well) you are not going to talk her out of this --nor are you going to convince her that she is being a pain in the butt.  She thinks she is doing something good.  You will get involved in the same circular conversations you already have. 

Enjoy your baby!  Find other young moms to enjoy the same stage of life with.  Your mom is going to be able to connect with you.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: N's and sudden change, do they?
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2010, 01:25:43 AM »
Sealynx: Thanks for being on my side.  It feels good to hear another voice regarding the allmighty.  How dare  NM "speak" for God??? 

CB:  That post problem happened to me, too!!
The big thing is to realize that no matter what you say or do (and this would be true if you were dealing with a non-N as well) you are not going to talk her out of this --nor are you going to convince her that she is being a pain in the butt.  She thinks she is doing something good.  You will get involved in the same circular conversations you already have./quote]

This is should be my daily reminder to not engage.  I start to go "there" and I end up slipping into the abyss of her "circular conversations."  It's hell.  That part fascinates me about N's.  It's almost like torture.  If you really want to torture someone, the NM circular conversation/argument would make anyone want to crawl out of their skin with frustration! 

I wish so badly that I could have recorded, one of the many, of my and NM's discussions/disagreements just so that I could play it for people who have a hard time understanding what we all talk about here.  And also, I could be like a third party listening just to get perspective during those times when I think that she'll change.

Hmm, let me go find my tape recorder!!

Thanks so much for all this wisdom and wonderful support that I so rely on...
