I agree - that "trick" is most cruel.
It is the indigestible, "stuck in my craw", piece of reality that seems to be a constant reminder that "I don't deserve _______." Emotionally, anyway. There is no way around it, no escape from it, no antidote for it... no way to talk myself into rationalizing it away, whitewashing it into something harmless, or eliminating the long-term influence it had on how I created my self. It is small comfort to realize that others have experienced the same thing - and now, I'm thinking of a male, grade-school friend that I'm getting to know again after all these past years. Part of me knew he was gay back then and also knew how dangerous that was for him in those days - and part of me really connected with him anyway and liked him. We were misfits together and had fun; still do. I didn't know then that his mom and my mom had so much in common.
For sure, that piece of reality that choked me into anger, rage and self-destruction [I'm thinking of more than just bad habits with the term "self" destruction] can still be resurrected and new energy blown into it... if I choose. At first, I really didn't have much control at all and I was a walking hair-trigger. That was a lot of fun... ::sarcasm:: I did a lot of apologizing during that phase. And feeling guilty; feeling like I was a basket-case... even with the tools I had been given... because I was still just beginning to learn how to use them. There were hopeless days; I'd come here and babble on & on about as many details of the injustices and outrages I'd suffered... not really realizing that the spewing of awfulness I was embarked on was really still... avoiding just coming out & asking for a hug... or empathy... or frendship. I wasn't at the point yet, where I felt empowered - that I had the right - to ask for anything for myself from others.
It was enough for a time, to simply know I was allowed to be this angry. A lot of it was off-loaded here; but I eventually started to feel that wasn't fair to others... it still had to go somewhere - so I indulged myself freely with pencil and paper. I was able to process - get past - so much of the indigestible emotion's impact on me simply by talking or writing it all out. I still process things better by talking about it - which was one of the things I wasn't allowed to do in the FOO. There really is an end to the anger, rage... even the "self" destruction. Even tho' the piece of reality that evoked it hasn't changed or gone away; I've sort of gotten used to it; resigned might be a better word. I know there's not a chance in hell, that I'll ever be able to change that one piece of reality and with the help of many here who reminded me as many times as I needed reminding (and that still happens!) that I can let it go - or I think I like Hops' phrase better - I release the outcome: I let that one piece of reality be what it is... and move on, direct my attention elsewhere, and no longer force myself to try to digest the indigestible.
The all-out anger phase really wasn't that long, for me. Like a supernova, the anger kind of burned itself out in a form of emotional exhaustion. Sure, current situations would trigger it again - more frequently at first; but then these too started to fade out. And I still have echoes... and the patterns of reaction in my brain are still there... but they are less firmly entrenched with each and every time I am able to respond differently; when I choose to respond differently.
The trickiest situation for me, is still having contact with my brother and my mother. I am the most vulnerable here to being blindsided and triggered back into the same outraged indignation. If my rational brain didn't tell me otherwise, sometimes I think they poke my anger in the eye with a stick just to watch me seethe, steam rolling out my ears in an impotent coniption fit ON PURPOSE. For fun - so they can point and laugh. That's how it feels to me anyway; but I know it's simply them... and whatever is wrong with them. It has absolutely nothing to do with me at all; it's all about them.
If I could go NC - I'd jump at the chance. As it is, I am very selective about how and when I interact with either of them. It's not foolproof - I've still been blindsided and taken my lumps - but it helps. I'm beginning to see that rather then having to protect myself, guard myself, against some awful thing they're going to "do to me"... I can just let them be - and just be ME the way I want to be. I can only control myself. Other people recognize them for what they are; other people recognize the dysfunction or lack of empathy or how difficult they are to deal with - or even converse with. As if they're on some parallel universe wavelength. I don't have to explain... and "what" they are doesn't stick to me... didn't get passed on me in my DNA or whatever. It truly is as if I were a changeling baby, fostered out to the village idiot family.
The difference between us? I care about how I impact other people. I like and want to connect with others. I don't have some fixed idea that relationships are all about who wins and who loses. I love other people... and even tho' that's still inhibited somewhat out of fear... I'm learning that by giving this love and kindness, it doesn't always follow that I'm setting myself up for another "trick" that I can't digest or will trap me.
I've taken up enough space on your thread, GS... hope there's something useful here in what I went through, for you.