Bad day - really bad day. Definitely hitting low, low, low.
Tolerance dropping precipitously.
Provocations multiplying.
Triggers increasing in occurrence.
My father - NPD - is also diagnosed with a myriad other mental health issues including Bi-polar and OCD. As his OCD flairs up, he becomes incapable of taking medication for his physical ailments, as they increase his mental health issues plummet.
He has moved into a significant raging, untreated mania and I have become front and center in his sites. His triggering obsession is the cemetery. This time of year he puts 3 live wreathes on the graves of his parents and grandparents and each year he obsesses about it. He called me over 9 times about picking up his wreathes on Wednesday. I did and delivered them to his home, offering all along to put them up at the cemetery.
His physical health is deteriorating. (honestly I have no clue how in the world he is still living. His is well into his tenth year with significant congestive heart failure. OCD precludes his taking the important diuretics, consequently his legs weep profusely with adema and he is unable to walk and on and on and on.) I set aside the hours of 11-1 on Friday to go with him to take the wreaths to the cemetery. (Being perfectionistic, he would not dane for me to do it for him.) He was not well enough to go on Friday. So I set aside time from noon until 2pm today. He did not make it. He called me at 1pm and said he had spoken to people in the cemetery office and needed me to go with him right that minute to meet with them and discuss the plots available to me and my now 10 year old son.
I told him that I would like to but would not be able to do so today. He raged, "Not today, not yesterday and not the day before. You NEVER take the time." "I set aside 2 hours yesterday and 2 hours today but I have appointments this afternoon." "YOU NEED TO CANCEL THEM!!!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!!" "My activities were planned months in advance and cannot be altered. I'll be glad to go on Monday." "YOU NEED TO GO NOW" "I'm not able to. My son has a piano lesson at 2 and " "YOUR SON SHOULD BE PLAYING OUTSIDE NOT PLAYING THE G** D*** SISSY PIANO!!!!!! Blam!
OK. I know this is bi-polar mania. I know his OCD is flaring and I know that that man has NPD. Rationally this should be just a tick off of life with a father with these disorders. - check - But it is such a low blow - even though I know what it all is. WHY is it a low blow. why has it knocked me over. I know part of it is the trigger of what happened all my life when i had no clue it was a disordered brain and mind and believed that I had something to do with it because I was not somehow good enough. I know better now but that does not seem to mitigate the horrendous pain, the raging agony, the torment, the aloneness the ............ and the ............ and the........... and all that other sh*t that I have no words for.
I could fall one way off of the razor's edge and smash cars and windshields and store front windows - urban riots of 1 or I could fall another direction into an anhilistic nadir.
and I am sooooooooooooo depressed
and I am so l-o-n-e-l-y and a-l-o-n-e with this all.
I cannot take it and I know not why - as though the work done here and reflected here has been for naught or has been folly or imaginary.