Author Topic: Alan  (Read 3367 times)


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« on: September 18, 2003, 06:42:15 PM »
I thought I would start a new thread so that the old one doesn't go off track.  Thank you for your reassuring words.  I realise that if I confront him I will get anger, dismissal and probably be told to go on medication.  But of course, these words can't hurt on an intellectual level, but it hurts that these people could actually behave like this.  I agree, zero tolerance on bull.  I read a quote on the msn NPD group site where one person said their main problem was that they had a big heart and a high tolerance for nonsence.  Snap!! :shock:

Thnaks again


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« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2003, 06:56:05 PM »
Your welcome, Darkturr.

Take no bs.  I saw my N earlier in the week.  She had to press me to come over and pick up the rest of my things.  She greeted me with an enthusiastic and high pitched "hello", I said I back, got my things, didn't look at her, she threw out a subtle insult and I mumbled something under my breath.  She lied about some mail just arrived the day before, when it was sent out 2 weeks previous.  And as I got in the car I said "See you in court".

She said nothing in return and I just know it is killing her.  All her previous divorces (3) were quick and, upon reflection, she didn't get anything out of it.  There are always some exchanges of property or money in almost every divorce.  

In this case, she might get the house, all the furniture, in return for a buy out of me.  I'm might have fallen for an N, but I'm no fool.  I have a price and if she can't meet it (it is reasonable) she can move.  For all I know she has found a job.

I'll get my money and move on.  No more bs from a sick woman who uses others.  My daughter is a good kid, even in a drunken moment my x said once, concerning her snotty daughter, "Don't you think it bothers me that my kid is a s*** and I can have a great conversation with yours".  By the end she was questioning my daughter's mental health bec. she has been in therapy for 8yrs.  My kid still goes to therapy to discuss high school issues and working with her mother in mom/kid issues. So, its a place where my daughter can get some balanced info and have a forum for herself.  I'm very realistic and my kid has been insight during this time for me and she's only 14.

In the end, Ns are worth our time, only our sadness.  Revenge in me says, in the deepest, quietest moments of the night, she feels the fear and pain.  I'm a jerk, but, a nice one.  Soon
The Truth points to Itself