this morn im getting ready for an interview for a permanent job this time, unlike the seasonal and temp jobs ive had to use
so I had salsa and chips for breakfast because i'm sort of low on funds, i didn't make it to the foodbank because i wasn't feeling well and when i finally got down there the line was too long anyhow
it's going to be a crap bus trip with hours of waiting both ways at the bus station because the bus i need doesn't connect
so my frustration at how fing hard the little things are sometimes makes me want to cry or spit at the person that asks me how im doing and expects me to tell them "im happy" --but i'm not going to get into the whole cycle of frustration right now
so of course there is a part of me, the part that is pre-corporate slob, the part that is not the inner child--older but a believer and intuitive
this part was panicking this morning, an out of control claustrophobic pain around my heart
she says "NO, I don't want to do this job, i've spent years imprisoned inside lifeless cubicles and for what!!!"
she warns all sorts of things about how it will be a dead end job
i have to agree with her, she is right in her own way and thats okay---
the truth is i don't know where to find a place for her in this world--my waking reality of the me that interfaces with life is practical, mundane, anxious, bored, disappointed and responsible
this other part of me that is foreseeing one type of stuck for another type of stuck and a continual cycle
an aspect that needs freedom, creativity and to actually live out real potential in life to *live* and *be alive*
its probably my more artsy side, the seeking side, the adventurous side
I don't know how old this side is, maybe she is 20, 19, 22 yrs old
she seems to always be saying "life can be better" look at life, look at the world and experience it
versus the corporate self that says: what is my quota, what is on my calendar, what is in my e-mail, what is on my co-workers calendar, what is my tight budget saying I'm allowed to do, pat my hair down, swipe the time clock, swipe it again, sign in, where is my key card, where do I park, look at my new work shoes, do i have energy to take a class at night, where is my something, try harder to look like i actually care, lie to them and say yes "i love processing paperwork, hundreds and hundreds of the same things, thousands of the same things"
i told the different me just to get through this one day, that i wouldn't lie to her, that yes this job would take up most of my energy and leave nothing left over, that it most likely isn't going to lead to someplace she wants to be...i thanked her, told her that i need to hear from her even if the outside world isn't reflecting back to her a place where she flourishes...still it's another part and she is speaking to me in terms of a panic, an anxiety a fear of sorts and thats okay, today is Friday and we only need to get through this one day
okay time to get dressed