Some basic background - 2 years ago I left my 10 yr position in faculty training/tech support at a private university. I was the over-responsible, always available person people relied on. My job required me to establish a lot of relationships and increase the level of trust between my department and the faculty. I succeeded and wound up with some very good friends, as a result. Then I inherited an income/businesses when my Dad died. We moved to the beach. Now, our original plan was to buy a small "beach box" kind of home when we retired... but the income allowed me to think bigger. For the very first time in my life, I had to know "what I wanted"... and it took probably a year for me to finally figure that out. When people hear the community we live in, the response is usually - Oh, you live with THEM, the doctors & lawyers. This is painful, because I'm about as blue collar as it gets - and so is hubs. It's not the most exclusive or expensive community here... but it is... private. The neighborhood is full of people from all over the country - a microcosm of the people here at the beach overall - what I really like about this place is that it's like a silk-road caravanserai. All walks of life, different places, different experiences... have decided to locate here. Artists, musicians, chefs, writers, mechanics, fishermen... it's rather like a university town in the kinds of people here... but everyone also works hard and there is a strong community sense, as well.
So I've had some "challenges" that have taken me way outside my comfort zone in the past couple years. Especially trying to get know my neighbors... find some new friends - even defining what I want that relationship to look like, because with a common activity like "work" or living next door to someone... I don't go out of my way, hardly ever... to be "social". I have tried to bring some of my old friends along with me... the two who "made it", are the woman I used to work closely with at school and my jr. high "best friend" - a relationship we've maintained through husbands, kids, etc. We mothered each other growing up - because neither of our mothers were too good at it. Her mother hated me simply because I was from the "wrong side of the tracks" and thought I would corrupt her daughter. More often than not, it was the other way around! But looking back, we both agree that we weren't nearly as "bad" as we thought we were at the time.
So, we were welcomed to the community in person and encouraged to join the yacht club. Not knowing thing one about who the people here were, we decided to join to meet and get to know our neighbors. Membership is mostly the retired folks in the community; a good portion of those are actually another generation older than we are. The boats aren't huge and I've heard there are a lot fewer boaters than there were, say 10 years ago. It's more a social club. A few are still working, have kids... and well - all my social anxiety "habits" built-in from my FOO days started up again. I started out purposely people-watching... hanging at the fringe... not engaging anyone. Hubs is social and chatty and his ego is pretty stoked about the change in our economic status. To me... that's crap and I don't do that kind social peacock kind of crowing. I want people to like me for ME... I am interested in making those more genuine, deeper kinds of connections rather than knowing the "who's who" and being a popular member of that group. Hubs and I have made jokes about us being like the Beverly Hillbillies and trying to fit in... but there's some truth in that. We have preconceptions of snobs... the country-club set... but we have both worked in that realm, too. We shouldn't be insecure - either of us - but this isn't work; it's social. And that's where this gets fuzzy...
I have also been in a "phase" of healing where I've been integrating my inner child self from the old FOOs days... dealing with the self-destructive and self-sabotaging kid-logic of her... and trying to get her to allow some re-parenting to happen, to let the old crap go and be who I can see she is instead of a cornered feral cat who scratches and hisses at everyone even when they're trying to be nice to me. I knew I craved a very long stretch of un-structured, un-scheduled, wide open time with no obligations to anyone or anything that didn't matter a lot to me. I am learning to actually HEAR Twigs and redirect her from the strategies she places so much value on - because it was necessary to her survival in the FOO. And I'm trying to teach her that other people - the rest of the world - doesn't necessarily work like her FOO did.
One thing hubs and I have done with that time, is explore what we feel we want to do with all this time. He loves options and choices - it's one of the reasons he's practically a shopaholic (needing that ego-status-stroking feeds into that too). Options, choices, elaborate comparisons overwhelm me with complexity... and I shut down; turn it off... numb out... and usually walk away. Let's take golf as an example of something we could do, that would be activity and social at the same time. Hubs used to golf... I have golfed - but it's a rare thing; I know next to nothing about the game - but I have a natural ability. However, it seems like a very silly game to me and not very fun. Hubs bought me clubs; a nice woman that I feel I might really like, asked me to join their Tuesday group... and skill is not a prerequisite; the joke is they play 2 holes then go to lunch. This woman also likes to read a lot and she's a down to earth mid-westerner... like me. (OK - maybe I'm not so down to earth).
I keep putting her off. Twigs jumps up with old "shame" patterns... and denies me the opportunity to feel comfortable, confident enough that the invitation is genuine and might actually be fun, if I just try it. The clubs are still wrapped. I wouldn't know what to wear - and that kinda matters; I wouldn't have clue what to talk about.
There are a few high-school type cliques; some "mean girls" here too (and they're all 50+). I've already had one run-in with one and stood my ground with her without being aggressive or hostile back. It was a curiosity to me, more than anything else. But then I realized another old pattern of mine was showing up. Avoiding talking to the women, because I feel I have more in common - common interests - with the men. I tried to explain this to someone at dinner and I'm sure it all came weird and I even put-down hubs in the process. I keep running into the whole patriarchal - southern - mentality. Where I'm supposed to simply be pretty and nice and domestic... fussing over a broken nail. Learn how to fold napkins... Martha Stewart, I'm not. I spent my working life in non-traditional jobs for women... competing with men. I know their language and they usually don't play "girl-games" which I can't stand.
So, I guess I just had had enough (and I wasn't feeling well that night anyway). When it was clear that I was being considered just as arm-jewelry for hubs and a realtor was encouraging him to look at property it just fell out of my mouth: But I still sign the checks. Hubs took that as a personal slight, even after I explained to him that I'm sick & tired of people not hearing that I am the one making decisions, running a company, and bringing in the bacon. In this state, in all legal transactions... I am always, without fail, considered "spouse" and even to the IRS, I am not the taxpayer -- hubs is. In other words, publicly and socially, I'm persona non grata. And this pushes a lot of Twig's buttons... and she is definitely not delicate in her choice of words!!
And it's precisely because of that - my odd knack of dropping socially inappropriate comments in the cosmic moment of dead silence - that I am being approached a lot more often and more openly... genuinely... by some of the women. I guess I'm saying what they all are thinking or something. So... me... I'm horribly embarrassed... but they're chuckling; all is well. They know where I'm coming from, in the vernacular of the 60s.
This is a long example, but I don't know how else to explain myself here. What I have right now, is the opportunity to undo that old shame pattern of being isolated in the misery of FOO. Using what I know from work relationships in my personal life. Finding a way for Twigs' voice to be mine... but perhaps tweaked some for "political correctness" -- to "just be me" like we were talking about on another thread. To lose the absurd self-denial of rejecting out of hand any and all invitations to spend time with other people based on nothing more than shame-feeling-echoes, stereotype projections (inner/outer), and pre-judging. I don't like this aspect of myself - I know where it comes from and can trace it all back to my mom relationship (my dad was happier as a social person) - and I try to talk about things we discuss in detail here on the board, only in general terms... and only when someone else brings it up. I am fortunate that I like the "feral cat" analogy... I've had several different "lives" and they were all quite different... so it gives me easy "material" to share about myself without getting "too personal".
I mean, even to write this by way of explanation, seems to be "too much; too personal" - about me and not objective enough. Hopefully something in this will give you some idea of what I'm trying to say; what I mean.