Portia & Seeker,
I feel very much the same about being a "shades of grey" person. In fact, I was sooooo frustrated with my post secondary education (& psych. of all things- not like an mathematical equation or something that could be pinned down) for that very reason, that I seriously wondered if I would make it through school.
There were so many "depends" variables for me in the work. I did very well in school, but I was so irritated and felt like a phoney that was just saying all the right "text book" answers. I did not enjoy studying for that very reason, at all.
But what I ended up doing sometimes, was at the end of my "textbook" reply, I'd add in a whole other page of just extra "out of the box" stuff that I wanted to say as "me". It helped me to be able to express my true self a bit, but boy was it ever extra work for me! The professors thought I was just a very interested student, but I was really doing it to merely keep my sanity hehe...
People try to make an image of you that fits with their view of the world. They want to know ‘what sort of a person’ you are. It’s easier than thinking about all the grey options in between.
Yes-exactly. And I just now realized in reading your reply,
why it is that I chose the chameleon lizard that blends in anywhere without a fuss.
Similar to what you write for yourself, Seeker, it is because I tend to be the odd one out in my way of thinking from a given group idea or societal norms. Often, the wavelength & social rules that society operates on can seem like a foreign language to me at the
relating to level.
This is precisely why I tried to hide... To avoid the "complications" of explaining myself or dealing with being different. It just seemed easier to invisibly blend in without making too much noise.
I only realized this as I got older (now in my 30's) but you really lose out on many valuable things, both internally and in interactions with others, when you stifle parts of yourself.
But do they really want to hunt you down and dissect you? They probably just want easy labels so they can put you into some wee compartment in their heads and carry on feeling safe, confident and secure in their lives. It’s about them, not you.
Yep- this is very true. Even with this in mind, and what I wrote above about stifling oneself, I
still struggle with revealing the real me in the offline world.
I'm just chipping away at it, bit by bit... Stepping out, pulling back.... Out a little more, back for a bit, etc... I also seem to have such different inner energy levels on different days, and this seems to affect my confidence and ability to push myself (in a healthy way).
I've just started to get back to meditation as an attempt to try to have more stable inner energy that hopefully can help me tap in more consistently to my inner strengths, and help me to grow more in needed areas...
Anyway- going on a bit of a tangent...