Anne killed herself. Nobody helped her. They took her money and now are trying to make more money off of her.
Using and exploiting the mentally ill? Or riding on the waves of celebrity.
I would have to read the books to understand the tone of what is transmitted. It sounds as if it is more about Anne's character rather than the disease of alcoholism or the illness of manic-depressive/bipolar. I ask myself: are there other ways to learn about alcoholism/bipolar disorder and child abuse?--yep there are other ways, we don't need to read Anne's personal business.
I'm sure that there are Manic Depressive/alcoholic patients willingly enrolled in research studies that are producing information for psychology students to read. BUT I guess that wouldn't be a very profitable book?
Anne wasn't a research subject and even if she had been it would be outdated by now.
1963 and 1964 are pretty old dates to refer back to if one wants to study therapeutic technique for the purpose of healing people....well I would begin with more modern reference I would hope. How can this possibly even contribute to current psychology? I hope there have been advances in psychology since 1964. Would you go to a doctor that hadn't learned anything new since 1964?
This is 2012. I mean lobotomies stopped around 1961 or something? Are we going to start lobotomy again?
We have Sinead O'Conner being interviewed by Oprah! Sinead has been pretty open and I've heard a lot of jokes made about her- that is how far we have come with society accepting bipolar as a legit medical issue. It's the freak-o-meter that makes Anne Sexton readable.
Ann Sexton is a historical figure and maybe she is some sort of archetype:
The hysterical-creative-dysfunctional-sick-female
The bad mother
The failed female/housewife in a 60's dress and hairdo
It also promotes the stereotype between creativity and mental illness. It has been pointed out that sane creatives are not celebrated for their sanity.
If Anne was so loopy she probably wasn't really legally capable of giving consent anyways.
"The interests of the nation transcend those of the individual": is a mentally ill female more interesting then an erectile dysfunction male?
Why isn't a man's erectile dysfunction "the interest of the nation"?Well the whole nation wants to know about America's Idol and dancing with the stars....should we release their medical records also??
Why is Anne so important that she has become an interest to the nation?? Geeze
Um, part of the problem is that a therapy session is a business transaction. The patient purchases a service. So the therapist is sort of the temporary employee of the patient somehow. I don't think at any point the therapist should be able to decide that the information is going to be given out for mass publication. I wonder if Orne was paid money by the author for the info?
There is some kind of arrogance in it, medical professionals see themselves as the authority figures that is why the therapist thought it was his right to make the decision to release the info?
Famous people these days probably make their therapists sign extra contracts written up by personal lawyers.
I'm still going on about this....what can the average lay person know about somebody that was an abuser and abused, was mentally ill and a substance abuse user? I don't think there is anything the average reader can learn.
There was a statement I read that said the therapist caused her to write the poetry--enabled her to write the poetry. Almost as if the therapist was responsible for it!