Im not sure where the last paragraph went, but I had added that it was a big huge luxury just to be able to not have to work all the time, and to have a little cash in our pockets to enjoy life. Tuesday we took a break from our 4-H projects and went to the pool. It cost $16.50 for the three of us, but we had it and we could enjoy the time without worrying about what else we might have bought with that same money (A quarter tank of gas? Coffee, cereal, and milk at Aldi?).
Being part-time and not having to be on the work-sleep-work-sleep treadmill is a huge luxury, too. We bought this house in part for the lovely front porch and the view of the neighbor's fields. I love sitting on the porch in the early evening, but because of work, I have been out of the house almost every night at that time. Now I am home 4 evenings a week, and we can sit out there and enjoy the evenings. Yesterday Ted brought home some beer and we sat on the porch swing and watched the chickens being chickens and talked about the upcoming county and state fairs in which my kid is going to compete and what has to be done. It was relaxing and nice.
I can take my coffee out on the porch in the morning and read a magazine. It feels like vacation.
For so long, being broke and staggering under this horrible crushing mortgage had ruled my life. I was still paying for mistakes I made in the 1990's, the last time I had good credit. Even worse, I am still paying career-wise for not following my dreams as a teenager and going into some horse-related trade, like veterinary assisting or farrierey (putting the shoes on). Instead, I listened to my mother's career advice (a career housewife, and not a very good one--I should have considered the source!) which was just as full of conflicting messages as anything else she ever told me.
But i digress. As I was saying, for so long I have been laboring under the results of my poor credit decisions and poor career decisions that I have not had time to really enjoy anything. Whenever I have tried to live the life I really want, I have been unable to keep up the pace and then collapsed under the weight of my obligations.
I woke up this morning and for some reason, the first thing in my mind was, I can be a 4-H leader now. I have wanted to do that since I got out of 4-H myself.
I am truly looking forward to being an active participant in my son's 4-H, Scouts, and home school group. I am excited about taking the personal trainer certification. I am really really jazzed about being able to be home with my kid (and awake) for homeschool and to be able to afford field trips this year. We can afford school supplies. I want to get an incubator and raise some chicks. If it goes well, I might be able to sell some of them.
We are planning to go camping next month after all the fairs are over, to visit bro-whatever and his family in Ohio, and to go to our time share for our anniversary in October. None of these are luxury trips, in fact, except for the gas and a few extras, they won't cost much at all (I cook at the time share and camping, so no restaurant meals!) The big difference is, we can take the time off! We can now pay the mortgage out of 2 paychecks, there are no more car payments, and the insurance is all paid up ahead of time.
Believe me, I am going to enjoy life!