Actually, Les, your idea of writing things is excellent, and I'll share what happened to me.
A couple of years ago, when I was just learning about NPD, I started to write while my nmother talked to me on the phone. I wrote her words, as she talked. At first, I did it as a distraction, and also as an acknowldegement and proof to myself that yes, in fact, she and Dad were both N's. Anyhow, over time, I filled several journals with notes, writing as she spoke during our phonecalls, and also writing things that happened when we were together - some of the crazy and cruel things. It was reassuring to write it out, because it proved that I am not the crazy one.
Well, a few weeks ago, when I was having a few boohoos about NDad's death, I flipped open one of those journals. I read word for word some of the horrible things that he said to me. I read it, and I remembered that it was the Truth. For instance, I had written that NDad had ripped a strip off me, because he didn't like my tone of voice ( I was trying to help them, and I guess I had my 'work' voice on, who knows), and he slammed doors, saying that my visiting him was the worst day of his life.....and then NM said to me "I'm so glad he has said that to you, because now you know what it is like living with him. I'm so glad he did that to you."
When I read that in my notes, my crying stopped instantly, for I realized that I no longer had anything to cry about, and certainly no guilt.
So, I'd like to suggest, generally, that it might help to jot down some of the really cruel, painful, hurtful stuff now, as it happens, while your Nparents are still alive, and date it - then, someday if and when you start to feel as though you could have done more for them, you can read your journals and KNOW that this abusive life really happened.
Hope my experience might help.
It is a rough road we're travelling, but there is an end in sight.