Author Topic: trolls and choices  (Read 3913 times)


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trolls and choices
« on: November 20, 2004, 06:55:57 PM »
I may be wrong. But I don't really think there are any trolls on this board. There have been what I would call spammers, but imo I think everyone here is someone who probably posts regularly. But when they are in a bad mood or perhaps annoyed or maybe feeling attacked whether they actually are or not, then they go anonymous.

I won't and can't tell anyone what to do, but it is a choice whether to respond or not. Now I must go because my eye is blurry this week and I can't see too good.



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trolls and choices
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2004, 08:22:04 PM »
I won't and can't tell anyone what to do, but it is a choice whether to respond or not.

Do you realise how dumb that message is? YOU are making the CHOICE to respond in bringing the whole dam thing up again!!!!!  :x

The whole thing had died down without anyone commenting on things and here out of the blue you go and start a BRAND NEW heading bringing it all up again.  

YOU are likely one of those regular members who are a bit annoyed or in a bad mood right now and are trying to stir up the pot.

And isn't NONY short for anonymous? You fit the bill in terms of your own description of the spammer there, too. Regardless of that either way, your message was not needed at this time.You should have spoken when it was all going on and had enough working brain power to keep quiet when it's all died down. You have more head problems than with your eye---common sense!!


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trolls and choices
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2004, 09:29:17 PM »
I think Guest just proved you wrong Nony.  There is a troll or two here, and you just have to ignore them.


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trolls and choices
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2004, 09:49:47 PM »
Sorry but I have to chime in here. All this talk about ignoring.

Nony I'm sorry; Even if I don't at all agree with the presentation style of the guest writer, I do have to agree that it would have been best had you not brought up old wounds that were so hard to let die away in the first place.

Ironically, you re-hashed the issue just to say we should ignore it!

No hard feelings but in the future it is probably best to let
(peacefully) sleeping dogs lie.


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trolls and choices
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2004, 10:36:44 PM »
Actually my name is Nony. Sorry to bring up the topic. It obviously was a bad choice for someone. But it was brought up on another recent thread here so it's not like old news.


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trolls and choices
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2004, 11:05:18 PM »
Nony, no need to apologize. You were more than likely referring to the perfection thread where Phoenix brought up the troll issue, so sleeping dogs weren't sleeping so peacefully after all. It's no big deal.


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trolls and choices
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2004, 01:36:28 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Nony, no need to apologize. You were more than likely referring to the perfection thread where Phoenix brought up the troll issue, so sleeping dogs weren't sleeping so peacefully after all. It's no big deal.

Ahem, Really? Show me where? Unless I'm going senile. Phoenix


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trolls and choices
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2004, 08:17:49 AM »
to guest who posted after Nony.  Whatever or whoever you are  with your inflamatory words - 'dumb', 'head problems', - you appear to be here to stir up trouble and that's it.  I would like to practise ignoring all posts like yours but in this case I simply can't. I certainly will in the future.  



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trolls and choices
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2004, 02:00:45 PM »
Sorry Phoenix, it was actually the post right before yours that someone called someone a troll and then Seeker did in a subsequent post.


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trolls and choices
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2004, 01:27:25 AM »
yes there are trolls and in addition, finger pointing trolls as well.

there are also moles.
be careful of people who try to win your confidence unnecessarily.  Do not become emotionally invested in any one poster.  Look for consistency in their stories and attitudes and commitment to growth.  If they seem committed to conflict, steer clear.  

Instead, build your own intuition about what is emotionally safe for you.  Invest in the process of this board.  The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, which are the many voices here to speak truly about their own experiences.  

we are not here to build alliances or coalitions but to speak and witness truth about bullying behavior.  (hold the semantics about truth for now please.)  

Remember that anger is not the same as abuse.  It's all in how you express it and deal with it that makes the difference.  An abuser will convince you that getting angry and/or holding them accountable is abuse.  It isn't.  

Name-calling, insults, etc is verbal abuse.  We've all done in once in a while in a moment of weakness but when it is a hallmark of someone's communication style, it is abuse.  

Keeping one's cool is not necessarily a sign of a nonabuser.  There are the kinds of abusers who never get angry and can successfully drive their partner(s) to madness.  The madness is only the effect.  The abuser's cold cruelty is the cause.  Invalidation is only one technique of the calm abuser.  

Abusers do not change.  Their behavior in controlling you is too rewarding to give up in exchange for your health.

Focus on growth, not on controlling games or drama.

A Troll Survivor


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trolls and choices
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2004, 02:08:14 AM »
YUK! What kind of sick mind wrote that last long post. That post is so out of touch with our shared humanity. Did a paranoid INF type wrote that post, or what?????

'Be suspicious of everyone, and make no friends". Sounds very familiar.

'The board is greater and more important than each or any individual'. What dressed up trollster nonsense is that?

Some people here need to get out more and learn how to trust and how to make and keep friends and jobs.

Disgusted Guest.


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trolls and choices
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2004, 02:49:25 AM »
Troll survivor,

Very good points, succinct and sophisticated.

The only weakness I see is that you didn't sign your own name. :wink: Phoenix


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trolls and choices
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2004, 11:25:42 PM »
YUK! What kind of sick mind wrote that last long post. That post is so out of touch with our shared humanity. Did a paranoid INF type wrote that post, or what?????

Looks like Troll Survivor touched a drama queen's nerve.