It's finished

Six years, approximately 1000 pages of records, numerous complaints and battles along the way, along with raising my son, dealing with all this 'N' stuff, the sexual abuse and just day to day stuff (there is always something that needs washing up! Lol) and it's finally done, condensed to 120 pages of corrections and amendments, 80 pages of supporting evidence and MY VOICE



I feel so happy.
There are still admin bits to do - docs that need numbering, things that need to be scanned/photocopied/filed etc, a couple more letters that need to be written or responded to, but that's all little bits that I can do daily - an hour a day will be enough and none of it's vital, it's just crossing the t and dotting the i stuff.
Bonesie, thank you for the cheering

Hops, I thought I'd read similar stuff about you and your bro but could't remember the details. You are spot on, she came for me when I was at my lowest point and went in for the kill. I was fortunate to have good people round me at those times - friends and professionals. Some people helped her - people like her, I presume, with the same sort of outlook. But lots of people helped me too, and I didn't always see that at the time, although I do now. Reading through it all, it's funny for me to see how, even four years ago, I felt that her way of seeing things was 'right' and everyone would think I was in the wrong. Reading through it now, I can see how my perspective was utterly spot on and completely reasonable - even normal, although I think we all have different views on what that is! And how her way of living is totally warped. I've been reading through the stuff I've written about my own childhood. On paper it's horrendous. Back then it was just life, mum did what she did and we all did too. Now I see problems with alcoholism, domestic violence, unstable relationships, infidelity, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, physical abuse - written down like that it looks horrific and do you know what, it was. My step father is a violent, manipulative, sexually aggressive alcoholic and my mum is so desperate to keep him on side that she blames everyone else for his behaviour and berates us for not putting up with it.
One of the other threads - I think it was Kathy's? - mentions telling the truth to family and friends and how good that feels. I feel like I'm finally at the point where I can stand up and say "This is what happened. This is the truth". My mum's entitled to her point of view - but so am I and that's what I'm doing now. legal action would be the icing on the cake but I'm really happy just to have my truth on paper, ready to be sent to anyone I feel needs to be aware of it. It's like I've finally proved to myself that she was wrong and I didn't do anything wrong. I can't tell you how good that feels

There's almost a book sitting right there - my next project is to re-decorate the house but come winter, I might just fill my evenings with seeing if I can put it into a book and get it published. A project for the future.
I can't tell you how much you have all helped me, so many times in so many different ways - that goes for you, too, Dr G! I remember when I first joined I was a bit scared to post because I was still afraid of getting it 'wrong' or people thinking bad things about me. But you've all been so kind and thoughtful and been so patient and understanding. Thank you so much. I'm going to take my boy out for tea and cake! Lol