Hey lighter,
You have me here in a nutshell!
To make it more clear, I was offered an amount PLUS $5K future Care, then another amount, PLUS $15K Future Care.
Nevertheless, for what I have gone through, I want a decent amount for Loss, Pain and Suffering (General Damages), to be refunded every dime I spent on this when the Insurance Company felt they had finished with me (Special Damages) and at least $90,000.00 to pay for therapy for my lifetime (Future Care.)
If I live 10 years longer than expected then my General Damages would come into play and the special Damages was money I already had on hand before this accident.
For an able bodied person suing for a broken leg, and then who is walking normally in 6 months, $25,000.00. I have no hip now.
I’ve been reading records of awards and a quadriplegic, in Court, was awarded, $150,000.00 Future Care, Plus General Damages and he was the cause of his own accident.
I read of a woman who didn’t want to go to Court, as her injuries left her incontinent. She was going to settle for about $125,000.00, but went to Court and was awarded $400,000.00
I gather from that, that Court is where all the truth can come out, but I still hope to settle out of Court---yet in court I can “ blow the lid” off the misuse of drugs on me--did things I don’t even remember---, can testify that my broken leg was treated as just that and the funding for Home Care (14 months) and Therapy 7½ months) was cut , with time out for 2 more surgeries, because \I wasn’t progressing as a broken leg should.
The Insurance company’s goal was to have me living alone and independent as before…well I didn’t drive for 2 years, no way am I as independent as before. I can do my chores, but it is painful, and I won’t even sweep my balcony, because it will mean I have “ moved on” re the Case, but I haven’t.
I was out yesterday in the car and noticed a particular pain in my ‘sit down’ bone. Now I know why there is a pain there when I slide off instead of lift myself off the bed to the chair. I also noticed in the Medical Records that there appears to be a previous break in my hip!! NO WAY!! It is possible I had a hairline fracture and it was overlooked….but would it heal pain free? Need advice from the x-ray!
I want to mention it to my lawyer , so am gong to search for that item now in the Records.
After the first accident, I worked for a couple of year then stayed home with my D. I volunteered, crocheted, did part time work, taught myself the computer, babysat for 4½ years, wrote music, traveled, and now I am 40 years older and do not want to repeat all that stuff.
I am just hanging in and hanging on, until all this is settled, and in the meantime, something might come to me, and it has to be something that won’t mess up my house, like Collecting Cats!