Hi Lupe:
I reached out for support from the board in the custody matter, bc I felt it was appropriate to do so at this time.
Things were going s l o w l y in the courtroom, so the Plaintiff's haven't yet finished putting up their case yet. The trial will continue next month.
When we go back, I think things will be begin moving at a lightening pace.
::crossing fingers all will be done very soon::
We're gaining momentum, as far as I can tell, and the opposition is starting to feel the sting of pointed questions they can't squirm out of with their shell game of erroneous reponses.
Their long held beliefs are crumbling under scrutiny, to say the least, and our Judge seems very interested in figuring out exactly what's going on here.
Bless her. She's obviously very competent, and certainly has a very good poker face, though she's on two occasions popped open her eyes during responses from Plaintiff's first witness. The Judge also let out "WHAT?!?!" and I believe she's going to want to understand exactly why her eyes are popping and she's gasping at those unexpected, improbable responses she can't believe her ears just heard.
To tell the truth, I can barely watch this trial without peeking out between my fingers.
It's a terrible thing to watch people get caught in lies and deceit. It's a terrible thing to feel such ferocious hatred and animosity directed at me personally by people who aren't trying very hard to control it.
At this point it's safe to say we're no longer fearful of losing custody, but it's not yet been determined if the Plaintiff's can be heard on the visitation issue they tacked on.
So, lets be clear. I'm being accused of doing exactly what the Plaintiff's are doing/have done, so we know lots of issues we worried about getting in will be allowed in bc Plaintiffs raised them themselves.
Chaos and confusion were ruling when this trial started, but it appears focus and clarity will be forthcoming finally.
::knocking wood::
I wish I could be cavelier about this.....
the game's afoot,
but I'm really feeling quite stressed, and vulnerable at this time.
We'll just have to see how it goes.
Please continue sending light and good thoughts.
Lots of trial prep ahead based on first days of trial.