Author Topic: Same trap again? How many more?  (Read 3601 times)


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Same trap again? How many more?
« on: August 25, 2012, 08:38:30 AM »
Only humans fall in the same trap over and over. Animals learn. Humans don't.

I worked seven years in one county, and I resigned that job because I could not deal with the stress with coworkers. The best job and benefits. Then worked in a Christian school and could not deal with the stress caused by coworkers. Two years. Then three years in a Catholic school and bullies teachers destroyed me. Then one year an charter school and not renewal because the boss did not like me. I pissed him up. Now I have a new charter school and the situations are even worse but the coworkers are the same. How do they seem to do weel and I feel like so bad? Still I have seven classes and six are wondrful and only one is difficult. i cannot say that the class is bad. It is just very difficulkt to handle. Too many kids in the class that seek too much attention and raise their hand 400 times and feel rejected if I do not stop doing whatever I am doing to pay attention to them. They are family of the school councelor and that is difficult. Those are the things that I do not know how to handle and end up losing the battle. HHHHHHHHHHEEEEEELLLPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel abused.

finding peace

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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2012, 02:18:37 AM »
Dear Lupita,

How many times?  Can't say.

Although, you may not like hearing this - but I think your IQ is so much higher than those you are working for and that intimidates them.

You are an MD.

In my life, I have found that people that are intimidated by me will attack me.

Maybe I am way off base, but IME a lot of people cannot stand to see someone shine (as you shine) and will do anything to dim your glow.

You are beautiful; don't allow anyone power over you to dim your glow - it is beautiful.

My 0.02.

Love to you, Peace.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 02:21:42 AM by finding peace »
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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2012, 11:10:57 AM »
I don't know, Lupe.

I think maybe we go through the same lessons again and again until we figure them out. 

Then we go on to the next lesson.

That's the way life is...... we're lifelong learners, like it or not.

I wonder how much work you've done on boundary work since you landed on this board.

I know I always feel more comfortable with boundaries when I'm reading about boundary setting and enforcement.  It helps remind me, keep me centered, explain how to do it without causing drama and upset in my own nervous system, which is important.   

If I  see where a boundary has been crossed,  most of the time I can talk about it right there without building it up in my mind and having it consume me for any length of time, but I have to be clear on what that boundary is, and what my right to defend it is, or all is lost in that moment. 

There's a saying....

when we don't want to know what's going on, we become confused. 

When the same boundaries are crossed, over and over for you, are you clear on what they are, and are you clear on your right is to set that boundary without drama, and enforce it without letting time pass?  I think you may become confused, feel wounded by the situation that feels so familiar to you, and not assert yourself quickly with people who tend to cross boundaries.  I think those kind of people test boundaries, and push limits with people who allow it. 

Maybe they cross everyone's boundaries, not just yours, Lupe?

Maybe the people with good boundary setting skills, and the ability to easily and rapidly enforce boundary infractions are left alone, and those who can't identify boundaries or enforce them fall into a cycle with chronic boundary crossers.

I agree with FP, you shine like the sun, and that perhaps envy plays a part in some of what's going on in this pattern. 

I do think that you grew up lacking healthy boundaries, your mother crossing every line, and making you feel guilty for breathing. 

This means you have to learn what healthy boundaries are, and how to enforce them appropriately, which is new, and feels odd at first, but it might just turn everything around for you if you master the skills involved.

Not sure, Lupita. 

I do know you've suffered, and been confused for far too long.  It's time for some clarity for you my friend, and I think boundary work might help dispel some of the confusion and feeling of being victimized over and over in the same situations in your life.

You're smart.  You can figure this out.



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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 08:50:01 PM »
Thank you FP. Thank you so much. I was appalled by the indifference I found this time on the board but finally you had the compassion to talk to me. Thank you for your encouragment.

Thank you Lighter, thougnh you took forever and only after FP wrote me. I wish I had it just when I was in my down spiral.

But thank you so much.


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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2012, 12:23:25 PM »
I'm sorry you felt uncared for, Lupita.

I didn't have anything I could think of that would help at the time.

I don't know why that pain keeps resurfacing for you but I do believe Lighter's spot on
with the boundaries.

You feel others' displeasure so acutely that it causes you anguish, and I know what it
feels like to be so sensitive to even subtle signs of disapproval, criticism or rejection.

It has taken me a VERY long time to get comfortable with the fact that not everyone
is going to love me. Or even like me. And it had everything to do with learning
compassion...not cerebrally...actually learning to FEEL true compassion for myself.

Without that, I can't heal myself, or help anyone else.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2012, 09:21:11 AM »

Thank you Lighter, though you took forever and only after FP wrote me. I wish I had it just when I was in my down spiral.

But thank you so much.

Sorry, Lupita:

I didn't see your post sooner or would have posted sooner...... been dealing with my own demons.

E-mail when you need a quicker response, K?

How're you feeling right now?

Have you thought about boundaries, and how people who obsessively cross them might be getting away with it, bc you don't know how to bat the ball back in a timely, calm efficent, direct manner that cuts down drama, and nips the next infraction in the butt?

It's your responsibility to set boundaries, know what they are, and enforce them.  No one else is responsible but you.  Focus on the YOU part, and less on what THEY DID parts.  

Right now I'm reading Dr. Daniel G. Amen, M.D.'s book titled MAGNIFICENT MIND AT ANY AGE  for research I'm doing on ADD, however it's an insightful book with regard to becoming aware of negative thoughts and patterns.  If you order it used on Amazon Books it might give you some tools to feel better, ((Lupite.))

« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 10:03:32 AM by lighter »


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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2012, 04:10:50 PM »
Thanks hop. You are partly right. Thanks Light. Now, how do I learn about boundaries and how enforce them in a manner that cuts drama? Where? I have no idea.

Please, send good vibs in my direction so I can do well tomorrow. On Firday a group of children misbehaved, (14 yo) and I was blamed of the issue. I have a conference with my boss tomorrow morning and I have a kind fo a bad feeling about it.

Please, pray for me. I am going to dye if I fail again.


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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2012, 12:31:37 PM »
You're going to be fine, Lupe, and I'll be praying for you.

Keep calm.

Try to focus on what you could do better to problem solve, and stop taking things personal.......

these are problems everyone has with a job, not just you.

If you feel an attack is happening, please please please stop that thinking and instead turn it around in your mind and consider it an opportunity to calmly educate your audience.  Their words aren't law, they're engaging you in a dialogue, and you get to tell your side of the story too.

What do you want them to understand?

What kind of support do you need in order to improve the situation?

What kind of support do you think the children need, from you, the staff and parents in these situations?

Calm down.  Get some perspective.  This isn't the end of the world, it's another challenge in teaching,a nd everyone has them.  Not just you ((Lupe.))



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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2012, 05:58:37 PM »
He sounded nice, and the AP too. He said that the parents complain because they only hear one side. He put me in paid leave and said that will get more information and talk to the kids and calm down the parents. It has been so much suffering. I am so tired. Cjildren 13 yo know right and wrong, they do wrong and it is the teacher's fault.

For ex. one wants the bathroom to wash her hands but she does not want to use a pass she argued and yelled why to use a pass if she is not going to use a br only wash her hands. i sadi you syill need a pass. Another gave me a pass expired, another gave me a pass that belpong to anothewr child, and they get mad bc I dont let them go.

It is crazy. This never happened when I was a child. I was oebdient and respectful. Now it is very hard. I wish I could get a different job. I wish it with all my heart. Why does god kepp me here. I wish I was no here, I wish I sleep.

But I am here and need to over come my problems. I need to get a positive attitud and dothe best I can until I get another job if these people do not get rid of me on Wednesday, he said he si going to help me. Hope he is not using two days to build a case against me. He sadi that if he was going to fire me he would have done it on Friday and not having a meeting today he had a meeting cause he wants to help me.

I am at home just waiting. I cannot. God can. Let God. So I need to have faith that god is with me and will protect me since I have done nothing wrong.  Need peace. When I get back I need to be come down and need to be thinking clearle and smile and feel confident. Help me out with that friends. Thank you Ligt.


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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2012, 03:49:32 PM »
OK, Lupita:

What exactly happened when you dealt with these children over hallpasses?

Did anyone raise their voices?  Did anyone get hysterical?

I don't understand what these children are telling their parents that got you put on 2 day leave of absense.....  these children should be following the rule, and you should be supported in helping them do that.

Calm down, Lupe.  Take a breath.

What's going on with your son? 



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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2012, 04:55:52 PM »
I just received an e-mail. My boss told me to meet tomorrow before school to discuss about moving forward. I supposed that he already talked to the kids and calmed down the parents or he would not let me come back.

I guess he is helping. Kids do not follow the rules.

I really hope it goes well tomorrow. I need to be gretaful for what I have.


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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2012, 06:34:03 PM »
I hope it goes well too, ((((Lupita)))).

Something jumped out at me, as perhaps a/the key:

Cjildren 13 yo know right and wrong, they do wrong and it is the teacher's fault.

They do not know.

This whole generation, and perhaps the most recent before too, has NOT learned the same subtle and obvious lessons about right and wrong that you did. They really have not. They have grown up with television, in a different culture, with perhaps less religious/ethical instruction. They not only question authority but they learn to disrespect it.

This is not their fault. They do NOT know "right from wrong."

They are lost in a confusing media-saturated over-stimulated nearly-nihilistic rupture of one way of the world, gradually and painfully lurching into another.

Maybe if you see them will be less personally grieved, or offended, by their defiance. To them, it's not CLEAR what they are defying. Defiance is just a knee-jerk "attitude" they have been stuffed with since the moment someone could park them in front of a television, instead of teaching them the things you wish they really did know.

They don't know. It's a subtle ignorance but multi-layered.

But if you can remove your own belief that "they know" -- you may see them less defensively.

love and GOOD LUCK tomorrow!--
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2012, 09:08:15 AM »
How are you doing, Lupe?

Is everything OK?



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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2012, 09:17:30 AM »

Where are you?



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Re: Same trap again? How many more?
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2012, 08:23:57 AM »
Thank you for asking. I am fine. Still have my job. I am learning a lot. Not raising my voice is very important even if I am not mad or just excites, it is important to talk in a calmed voice.
Yesterday was better than last Friday. Still last period is difficult, but I am learning that should not be affected by kids who do not like my teaching style. It is OK. They are just kids. What affects me is that my evaluator is going to use one class instead of all classes that are good. But God is helping. Need more faith. Next week will be better.
Thank you Light ofr asking.

Tear I do not care if my post is hijacked, I would enjoy if my problems lead to something good even if it is by serendipity.