Wonderful news!
That puts a smile on my face, Hops. Stretch out the nesting process, as long as you can. It's got healing properties, at least for me. 2-1/2 years later, I'm still working on it, here. Remembered that I liked to bake bread - so now I start from scratch, learning all over again on new equipment. My winter project. I want to try making crackers... all kinds of seeds and grains. I can't wait to sit back and let my brain make pictures from your words -- once the work is done, and you're all snug in your new house and revelling in the space -- and have a little more energy and time.
I have a theory about those long posts that evaporate into cyber-ether. (You knew there was a theory, right?? LOL) For me, it's like my healthy ego grabs the microphone and starts to expand with all those tiny things that I did - that return a little smile or happy snippet of song or self-satisfaction - and at some point while I'm caught up in the telling of the story (as I want to remember it)... I trip over my unconscious self and wake her up... and she freaks out:
"What are you doing??"
But by then, I'm on such a roll - high on ego-juice - that I ignore her... so she makes sure I push the wrong button, when I go to post. I've actually caught a glimpse of it... once or twice... clicking the cancel button instead of post. But then, I have a pretty active and technicolor imagination...
Usually, the second time I try to tell that story again -- the unconscious editor has already cut length, eliminated redundancy, and reduced happy, bubbly, excitement down into a dull, semi-cynical tale. Reads like some scientific study that's had all the life squeezed out of it and trying too hard to be taken seriously. It's hard to steal a march on the unconscious editor... but sometimes I really, really wish I could. She can be such a drip... a dictator... scaredey-pants-cat.
What was it Johnny Carson used to say? "I'm waiting with bated breath", Hops...