Author Topic: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?  (Read 3116 times)


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HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« on: October 08, 2012, 07:44:11 AM »
Hiya! I was wondering if you've moved in yet? Started decorating? Doing the fall "meditation" on the yard space for next spring's planting, pruning, etc??
Got internet hooked up yet?

Wot's the news?
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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2012, 01:23:58 PM »
Yes, yes, yes, Amber.

I was wondering how Hops is doing with her roomate.

Are things still going well, Hops?



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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2012, 08:54:20 PM »
Wrote you a loooooooooong description of house, neighborhood, paint colors, wee decisions and obstacles...and it didn't post. Gone ferever.

In a sleepy mode: I'm in, I'm swamped with so many little decisions I feel FOGGY, but I'm happy and grateful to be here! And the piano looks gorgeous, a big surprise. Not crowded at all.

So frustrated my narrative disappeared but too tired to recreate it. Will try again soon.

Still awash in contractors etc but I see the finish line ahead. I'll be unpacking my office for a long time but once curtains are finally up, I'll feel cozy regardless. I am very happy to be here...especially with my own colors around me, at last.

Thanks for asking...
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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2012, 07:09:54 AM »
Wonderful news!
That puts a smile on my face, Hops. Stretch out the nesting process, as long as you can. It's got healing properties, at least for me. 2-1/2 years later, I'm still working on it, here. Remembered that I liked to bake bread - so now I start from scratch, learning all over again on new equipment. My winter project. I want to try making crackers... all kinds of seeds and grains. I can't wait to sit back and let my brain make pictures from your words -- once the work is done, and you're all snug in your new house and revelling in the space -- and have a little more energy and time.

I have a theory about those long posts that evaporate into cyber-ether. (You knew there was a theory, right?? LOL) For me, it's like my healthy ego grabs the microphone and starts to expand with all those tiny things that I did - that return a little smile or happy snippet of song or self-satisfaction - and at some point while I'm caught up in the telling of the story (as I want to remember it)... I trip over my unconscious self and wake her up... and she freaks out:

"What are you doing??"

But by then, I'm on such a roll - high on ego-juice - that I ignore her... so she makes sure I push the wrong button, when I go to post. I've actually caught a glimpse of it... once or twice... clicking the cancel button instead of post. But then, I have a pretty active and technicolor imagination...


Usually, the second time I try to tell that story again -- the unconscious editor has already cut length, eliminated redundancy, and reduced happy, bubbly, excitement down into a dull, semi-cynical tale. Reads like some scientific study that's had all the life squeezed out of it and trying too hard to be taken seriously. It's hard to steal a march on the unconscious editor... but sometimes I really, really wish I could. She can be such a drip... a dictator... scaredey-pants-cat.

What was it Johnny Carson used to say? "I'm waiting with bated breath", Hops...
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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2012, 10:19:36 AM »
It makes me happy to picture you busy in happily colored rooms, with sunny clean spaces awaiting your attention.

It's comforting to imagine you dusted with flour, touching your MIL's recipes. 
Nice to picture you manhandling a big mixer, and bowls, yeast, and salt as the smell of fresh baked bread fills your home.



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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2012, 10:00:52 AM »
Well, Light - I'm having one of those time-frames when bad news seems to be all around (all of us) and closing in. Watch/read too much news, I guess. I do shut it down from time to time to learn things and do things: I want to get my HAM radio license... and the equipment... so I have to study for a test; since my attempt last time at bread/rolls was an unmitigated disaster... I need to get serious!! about learning my ovens (I've got a dehydrator now, that can be used for proofing; that solves one problem)... today, a crew is here to put hurricane shutters up on the windows closest to the ocean, so I can protect the house from flying trees and other debris; doing the rest of the house, in the next phase... and am trying to hire in a new senior manager for the business whose experience should help us put together a prudent plan to grow -- when the time is right. OH... and I bought myself a goodie: Mark Helprin's new book: In Sunlight and In Shadow. And I pace out the "clean up the yard" work, around rain and other stuff so that I'm getting more exercise -- without pushing too hard. And yes - we still have company coming to enjoy the milder weather... old friends... and making new ones... and trying to spend more time with hubs' family who live nearby.

And in the next month or so - I need to clean up my sewing room: new grandDAUGHTER expected in January!!! YAY! So I get to indulge myself with the kind of sewing I've wanted to do for so long -- while my eyes are still good enough to manage all that hand-sewing.

I'm just trying to live 90 miles an hour - making up for "lost" time, I guess - without actually running around that fast -- LOL!!  I'm sure Hops has her own version of that right now. I can't think of anything more important to health, wealth, and well-being right now, than feathering our own nests and creating new comfort-zones, islands of safety and security, and nurturing growth. I just keep fiddling with the knobs on "the dial"... trying to tune in the "frequency" I want... you know?
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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2012, 10:04:08 AM »
Over to you, Hops!    ;)   Maybe this weekend? Hubs has to run back up the Valley to deal with some stuff for his Mom's 'estate'... will be gone Friday and most of Sat. Guess who'll be online a lot, trying to get caught up on everyone's news & doin's??
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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2012, 11:53:42 AM »
Congrats on the new baby grandaughter, Amber!

I'm glad your daughter will be spending her third trimester in cooler weather, and glad you're looking forward to sewing darling little girl outfits.

The hurricane shutters are a good idea, but the HAM radio stuff makes we wonder if you'r preparing for a really bad time in the near future.  It's scary isn't it?


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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2012, 09:21:44 PM »
 :D  Congrats on the renovation/redecoration, Hops! 

And Congrats on the new grand daughter, P.R.!  That's thrilling.... As for the bread/rolls. I just found my favorite bread book so far: The Bread Baker's Apprentice:  Have you tried this one?  It's totally comprehensive, has everything from bagels, to lavish crackers, to extraordinary multigrain bread.  And everything's just the right amount of effort--not needlessly fussy like a lot of bread books out there and totally reliable (pretty hard to mess up)!

Anyway, lots of love to you both!
Kay x
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 09:23:16 PM by KayZee »


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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2012, 05:07:52 PM »
Storms often knock out normal communications here, Lighter. We lost our cell service (even my Kindle lost it's connection to the Mother-Amazon-Ship!) for a few days. I'm in a good spot to relay north/south -- and to the mainland. Just looking for a way to pull my weight around here and contribute. And since I've turned into such a gossipy- chatty cathy... it seemed like a good fit! LOL...
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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2012, 06:46:42 AM »
Storms and since I've turned into such a gossipy- chatty cathy... it seemed like a good fit! LOL...

You are rather chatty lately; )

And I always enjoy reading your posts ((Amber.))



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Re: HOPALONG: how's the house remodel coming along?
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2012, 09:29:48 AM »
I'm just filling space, till Hops has time to "tell all"... on this thread.

Kay - I almost picked that cookbook when I was looking. It looked tempting... pictures of food almost always get my attention! LOL... and then I remember visiting a photo studio, where they styled food - ack! You wouldn't believe what they do to make those pictures look so good! (That was pre-Photoshop days...).
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