Author Topic: Bit of an update  (Read 5628 times)


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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2012, 08:30:16 AM »
I'm also very glad now I've spent so much time getting copies of records and writing things down, it will be interesting to see if what they send the sol is different to what they've sent me :)

Ahhhhh yes 8)

The absolute satisfaction of having all the documents in one place, handy and familiar.....

the lovely feeling of knowing you have the goods, and framing mindful questions to get to the truth in front of a Judge, exposing what's been done to you. 

It's good. 

As for the people who made it possible for you mother to harm you.....

I think of it as a moral imperative to go to their licencing boards, and administrations.  I would never gloat, but they need to be stopped from harming other vulnerable people.  They're not just victims also when they've overstepped bounds in positions of authority and trust.  They're people who can be manipulated into doing harmful things, and they shouldn't be in postitions with any authority, IMO.



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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2012, 09:08:01 AM »
Yep, karma seems to be a good egg :)  I'm trying not to feel too smug.  We're just beginning, there are no definites, it could all come to nothing.  But the thought of some of them experiencing a little bit of anxiety over this is still making me smile.  I'm also very glad now I've spent so much time getting copies of records and writing things down, it will be interesting to see if what they send the sol is different to what they've sent me :)


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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2012, 03:04:24 AM »
Thank you, both.  I'm sorry I've not been on here much lately.  I'm finding things a bit stressful at the minute, to be honest.  But, I am trying to do yoga, go for walks, have fun with my boy and just generally keep myself busy and on top of things.  The solicitor seems good, on the ball, knowledgeable and keen to fight on my son's behalf.  I know he is getting paid for it but, apart from me, no-one else has ever fought for my boy, although lots of people have fought against him.

More is coming to light.  It seems at least one doctor involved in the campaign against me knew about the oxygen deprivation (and therefore knew it couldn't be my fault but was still insisiting it was).  That isn't proven yet, it may turn out that isn't accurate, but at the minute that's where things are pointing.

I'm getting abuse flashbacks - this always happens when I get stressed out.  It interfers with my sleep - I have to have the light and TV on - I don't know why, but dark and quiet seems to make it worse.  It will pass, though - I feel better this morning than I have for a while.  There is also quite a big abuse case in the UK at the moment, involving a now dead TV personality.  He abused dozens of children, some mentally and physically disabled, it seems lots of people knew and did nothing, lots of children told and were called liars.  I read a bit and it is triggering a lot.  It's difficult to avoid completely as it's such a big news story, but I'm trying to limit what I see and hear.  In a way it gives me strength; I was cuddling my boy back to sleep this morning (early hours) and it was nice.  No-one ever touched me in a non-sexual way.  I never felt safe.  I certainly don't remember falling asleep in anyone's arms!  So I feel like I'm loving him and healing little Penny at the same time.  It's a funny world.

Will keep you posted!


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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2012, 07:36:50 AM »
Thank you, both.  I'm sorry I've not been on here much lately.  I'm finding things a bit stressful at the minute, to be honest.  But, I am trying to do yoga, go for walks, have fun with my boy and just generally keep myself busy and on top of things.  The solicitor seems good, on the ball, knowledgeable and keen to fight on my son's behalf.  I know he is getting paid for it but, apart from me, no-one else has ever fought for my boy, although lots of people have fought against him.

More is coming to light.  It seems at least one doctor involved in the campaign against me knew about the oxygen deprivation (and therefore knew it couldn't be my fault but was still insisiting it was).  That isn't proven yet, it may turn out that isn't accurate, but at the minute that's where things are pointing.

I'm getting abuse flashbacks - this always happens when I get stressed out.  It interfers with my sleep - I have to have the light and TV on - I don't know why, but dark and quiet seems to make it worse.  It will pass, though - I feel better this morning than I have for a while.  There is also quite a big abuse case in the UK at the moment, involving a now dead TV personality.  He abused dozens of children, some mentally and physically disabled, it seems lots of people knew and did nothing, lots of children told and were called liars.  I read a bit and it is triggering a lot.  It's difficult to avoid completely as it's such a big news story, but I'm trying to limit what I see and hear.  In a way it gives me strength; I was cuddling my boy back to sleep this morning (early hours) and it was nice.  No-one ever touched me in a non-sexual way.  I never felt safe.  I certainly don't remember falling asleep in anyone's arms!  So I feel like I'm loving him and healing little Penny at the same time.  It's a funny world.

Will keep you posted!


I hear you and I can identify and relate!!!!

The news story about the now-dead TV personality who abused children is making the news here on my side of the Pond and has triggered my old feelings as well.  I'm glad they took the headstone off his grave and sent it to a landfill!!!!!  He deserves to ROT IN HELL for what he did to kids who couldn't defend themselves while the other adults, who KNEW what he was doing, looked the other way!!!!   :evil:  At least the monster from Penn State is getting sent to the State Pen for 30 to 60 years for his crimes and another Momster got sent to prison for 99 years for nearly killing her two-year-old baby.  I claim JUSTICE for all survivors of child abuse!

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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2012, 05:30:43 PM »

I think it might be good to limit the negative tv coverage for a bit.

You'd be better off surrounding yourself with positive nurturing activities, IMO.

I think too much tv and news input can make anyone and everyone feel overwhelmed.

I'm praying for the best possible outcome for you and your son though this.



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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2012, 05:32:51 PM »
I'm repeating Lighter's advice: take a break from the news. Be an ostrich! A happy ostrich counting her blessings and progress and who refuses to hear a "discouraging word".

You're doing the right things; you'll get through this. It'll be OK Penny. (and maybe way BETTER than OK...)
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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2012, 01:54:26 AM »
Thanks all, I stopped reading about it last week but the headlines are still on front pages so you see it just when you're out and about, it's all over FBook - avoiding as much as possible but, yeah, I think it's hit a nerve.  There's just so much corruption and greed, I am going increasingly out of the system as much as possible.  It's just a bit of a limbo patch at the minute - can't really move forward so trying to enjoy the present and relax.  It will all smooth over. xx


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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2012, 05:06:45 PM »
Not that it's a consolation - but things are worrisome, frightening, and kinda ugly here as well. SIGH... the world goes through these kinds of times every so often, I think. Some things we hear about are real problems - sensationalized. Most people can think of some solutions that would solve it - but often those in a position to do so don't see the sense in those solutions... or are so N, that if they didn't think of it themselves - well, the idea can't have any merit. SIGH. Most of the sensationalizing is probably an acknowledgement of the fact that there are solutions - that no one's serious working on - combined with the old Nielsen ratings... number of views, in the case of websites.

MOST of the things we hear, see, read about that are considered newsworthy -- are speculations that have been sensationalized, and used precisely for their fear-factor. And it even has sort of a gaslighting effect to it -- sowing confusion about what is/isn't true. It's hard some times, to tell the difference between these two kinds of things, for me. And if there's something in my own life pushing the anxiety button anyway... I can go over the edge and freak out a bit. Those flashbacks? Yeah, I still get them too -- but when I catch myself getting emotionally hooked into them -- I give myself sort of a shake and remind myself: that's a real long time ago. I need to focus on NOW. Eventually my unconscious little girl turns it loose... lets it go.

I do make an effort to turn my worries into action, and that helps a good bit. What can I do to help myself weather a storm, if it's headed my way? Break it down into what I can do right now... what do I need to wait/save for and do later. One thing I've done, is buy a new dehydrator. Our grocery stores sell older, less than perfect fruit & veggies at a big discount. Doesn't take long to prep them for the dehydrator - turn it on and forget about it for 8-10-12 hours - then package (in a LOT less space) and store it. This food will keep quite a long time. Then, to use, simply add water to rehydrate -- or add directly to soups, stews, and sauces. I'll probably still can jams, jellies and marmalade - and I'm excited to try a recipe I've got for lemon curd! - but storing the jars and all the washing, prepping etc involved in that process for everything, puts me on my feet too long at one time.

I'm hearing that because of our drought in the "breadbasket" of the country food prices are expected to go up next year. So, I'm considering what I'm buying now and storing - to be a hedge against any price increases in the future. (I ain't THAT rich now, that I don't think about saving money!! Hubs has his coupons - and his sharp comparison shopping in high gear, too.) Even if it's not as bad as some folks are saying - I'll still have plenty put up, to put a dent in our food expenses next year. It just sort of rolls that savings over... from year to year.

What is on your "worry list"?
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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2012, 11:25:00 PM »
Hey Phoenix, I'm doing exactly the same!  Storing extra when I can, saving jars/cans etc, collecting wood, picking up cheap next size up clothing in charity shops for my son, keeping petrol use down to a minimum etc, etc.  Like you, things are pretty grim here at the minute and it's predicted it will get worse.  Maybe it will, maybe it won't - I like to keep busy and it feels good to be using less - better for the environment and all that.

The newspapers are the bane of my life - sensational, headline grabbing and in every shop and petrol station so it's really difficult to avoid the headlines unless I don't leave the house.  It's still all over the front pages - they're trotting out new victims every day now and the stories are becoming more grotesque.  I just think at this stage he's been outed, now investigate, no doubt cover up and make sure people who should have been fired a long time ago keep their jobs but stop plastering more horror stories everywhere.  The truth needs to come out but I don't think it needs to be screamed out every day for weeks.  A little girl went missing last week, that story's been lost because of this.  She's less important because the man who abducted her didn't work on the telly.  Urgh.

The legal case is doing its thing.  It's funny to hand over control to someone else.  Funny and nice - I've never really done that before.  The sol gets on with his thing, contacts me from time to time with an update or to ask for some info.  My son has to have some medical tests done over the next few months - if nothing else the tests will be useful for me so I know what to do next from a medical perspective, regardless of what else may happen.

And have given up caffeine and sugar!  Banging headache, can't sleep and feel sick.  Apparently this is normal and lasts about four days, after which I will be brimming with vitality and vigour!  Yay!

When will you be trying out your lemon curd?  Will we be having a virtual tasting session?   Mmm, lemon curd on hot crumpets - my mouth is watering at the thought :)


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Re: Bit of an update
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2012, 06:47:03 AM »
Well... back when MIL was living with us, her brother and some other relatives dropped in on us (with warning). She fixed lunch and I made dessert: a blueberry cake, sliced into layers and lemon curd spread between the layers. It was yummy - without being yucky sweet! I'm getting hooked on berries - something I drooled over as a kid. Ever since, I've - in the back of my mind - thought, you know there's probably lots of other ways to use this that don't show up in the usual recipe sources... and it's expensive here; a gourmet treat. So I was happily surprised to see the recipe to make it in the dehydrator book.

Maybe once the board comes back up -- we should plan an "online" tea party. Schedule it for when we can all be online. And just catch up with the little stuff that's going on in our lives. Maybe this weekend? I'm still anxious to hear all the details of Hops' new house... what tt's been up to... and how Bones is fairing in the big city. We can talk babies, and kids, maybe have a glass of wine instead of tea...

time zone are a problem, but maybe we can work that out!  ;)
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