Ah Erin, I am so sorry you are going through all of this at the minute. I'm sorry for the loss of your pet and Ted's uncle as well. I had a pet chicken called Bluie when I was little, he used to wait at the end of the drive for me to get home from school and then follow me round the yard all night. They're very sweet, affectionate birds

I don't really have any practical advice to offer. Sometimes life throws a lot at us at once and all we can do is deal with it as best we can and muddle through. Hopefully the court will be lenient in view of the different things that were going on at the time and see it as an over sight rather than a deliberate act. Can you prove a good insurance history in the past? That might help. Maybe borrow the money for the car from HR rather than your mum, it sounds like less hassle if it's possible?
It sounds like one of those times that, when it's all over, you can look back on and think "We're good. We got through that". But it's tough going in the meantime. Hang on in there, and keep posting - I find just getting it off my chest amongst those who understand helps.