We've just found out the Judge in our custody case has reserved the right to award attorney fees.....
interesting the Plaintiffs in their closing argument asked we pay their attorney fees. So I'm wondering if they had the nerve to turn in their fees, and if they did, I'd like to see what it costs to terrorize innocent people in the courts. What's the going rate for getting a minor Judge to ex parte, pay off, and manipulate other Judge's, court officers and witnesses?
Not that it matters really, but it will be interesting to see what their weasel attorney has been charging..... is he making bank, or has he been cowed into making very small requests for money, bc the PD clients have him cringing and fearing their typical Tasmanian devil response to any bill, even a small reasonable bill? Do the IL's have something on him, or is he doing these terrible things for a buck? He's gone so far out of his way to ensure my children are harmed, and sacrificed..... he's a father too, and I know people do terrible things for money, but after all this time I still find it difficult to wrap my mind around the concept of ruining children's lives just to make or save a buck.
The Judge is requiring both parties attempt to settle the fee dispute before she considers ruling in the matter. We all know how high conflict personality disordered people are consistent in their inability to to settle anything. Ever. That much can always be counted on, IME. How reassuring. <tic>
We can ask they pay a tiny fraction of our expenses, and they'll say no, even if it means they end up forced to pay the entire fee by the Judge. The nature of the beast is what it is.
I'm also wondering if this Judge is sitting back and waiting to see what the Plaintiffs do with regard to filing a appeal in this case, which is their typical response, keeping in mind this isn't their typical case. CAN the IL's alter their typical course of action?
IF they can't, and it seems likely they can't, that begs several logical questions:
1. What will this current superior court judge DO to them if they file an appeal/request for reconsideration? What can she do to them? Will she wait the 30 days to see if they file an appeal/request for reconsideration before she makes up her mind on the fees? Can she award us anything else, outside of attorney's fees?
2. Can this Judge take over other suits, if pushed or goaded enough? It would be just delightful if she could pick up the remaining suits, and handle them herself. Not likely, but I've always been the hopeful type; )