I am able to let go of almost everything with NM. She rarely features in my life at this point. Sadly, the kids know she does not care for them. My sister sees that she is not a whole person. My dad has found a way to reconnect with his family and friends now that he is retired and fighting cancer, and he seems not to let her separate him from life any more.
BUT- the issue that still bothers me is how my parents deal with money. NM 'does the money' for them. This means that although they are near 70, their hoarder-style house is nowhere near paid off. She buys herself crap daily from stores and online and throws the items in the basement once she has played with them once. A year ago, my sister and I talked to them and told them we were worried about the state of the house and dad's health. He kept getting pneumonia. Dad agreed it was time to have someone help them and they brought in people (my gosh, the thought is so embarrassing) and had them empty the basement. I am not kidding when I tell you they found a dead cat there that they could not locate for months.
So dad retired and my parents went on a stricter budget. NM started visiting my sister and her kids (likely out of boredom). The she inherited money from a relative, and now she is back to filling the house up with dollar store junk mixed in with $1000 lamps. The house smells, is full of cat shit, and dust and cobwebs line every corner. You can hardly breathe while inside, which I am sure is terrible for my dad while on chemo.
Throughout our lives, when NM had no money to buy us nice clothes and I cowered every time I asked for anything for school, money was wasted buying pets, toys, hobby equipment for my parents. We bought a crappy house so that there would be money to spend on junk. Dad spent 45 years working his ass off being told he did not make enough money.
So... why can't I let this go???? It's not my problem or my life. I rarely see them at their place, and when we do, we stay at my sister's now. Dad would love to have a home where he could have us and the kids, but NM couldn't be bothered to clean up or make a bed for us.
Input? So many times you all have had great thoughts and I have been able to put issues to rest.
xxoo Beth