Mud, Bones and Lighter, thank you for your response.
Bones, I certainly feel your pain. Yes, these Ns they, and they alone, know everything. They don't. Not by a long shot. Even though my conversation with the CEO was painful, it was also enlightening. He is very clueless. He make some comments that clearly showed me he has no understanding of what is going on or that the kinds of decisions my horrible boss is making will not help his business. He assumes this project I'm doing will solve all his business problems. It won't, especially not in the way my boss is ego-managing it.
So, he made it clear he will support whatever my boss wants to do, will turn a deaf ear on her mistreatment of me and basically reneged on his promises to me and expects me to just continue to do all this work that is not part of my job. Nothing will change. In fact, it will be worse. My boss is clearly able to do whatever she wants and he won't take a step to intervene.
At this point I don't see any other way out but to resign. If I don't they will use me to get this big project launched and then I'm sure my boss will find a way to get rid of me since they won't need me to save the day any longer. In the meantime, she'll continue to abuse, humiliate, insult and marginalize me.
Today's my birthday and it was a sad day indeed. Take this situation and add in what has become a more extreme N family situation, and it's pretty hard to remain hopeful. I will no doubt be starting out the new year unemployed......I can only pray I will be able to find new employment relatively soon. I am very worried about that....but the be treated like this every day, doesn't seem to be a good option either.
You all of this, I couldn't help wonder, "Are there even more Ns in this world than I thought?" Or is this situation affecting me so negatively because I've grown up with Ns in my life making it even more difficult when you're demeaned and diminished in the workplace? Not sure. Maybe it's both. But I know for sure this boss of mine is N and extremely insecure.
Well, thanks to all of you again. I really appreciate your input and support. I know this has happened to others, even some of you. It's not easy, is it? Hard not to take it personally.