Author Topic: Hair loss  (Read 4077 times)


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Hair loss
« on: February 10, 2013, 12:16:57 PM »
Sorry, I have not been here for quite a while.
I have been having a problem with hair loss for about nine months. At least that is when I really started to notice it. It was not long after it was found at that my father has prostate cancer that had spread through his whole skeleton. I work fulltime, I study parttime and I have a hobby that takes about eight hours a week.
I have had a lot of stress my whole life long and I have never before lost my hair as bad as I do now. People say it is because of stress. Does dit sound familiar and what can I do please. I started footreflelexology and that has halped me a lot with my hormonal problems but it does not seem to be working for my hair loss problem. I started using Nioxin shampoo and conditioner about five months ago, still my hair is falling out and it seems to get thinner and thinner...


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Re: Hair loss
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2013, 01:36:24 PM »
Hi Lucky
I don't know much about it but found an artical that might help. Seems like it could be a number of things that can cause hair loss, › Health › ABC News OnCall+ Women's Health
I'm not sure if the link came through but the articale was called "9 Causes of hair loss in woman." The article has some suggestions on what can be done depending on whats causing it. I hope this helps.

 Good luck,


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Re: Hair loss
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2013, 01:42:16 PM »


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Re: Hair loss
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2013, 11:57:57 PM »

And this is a very good article (extract below) --

What causes a change in this hair loss/ hair growth process?
If lots of hair begins to fall out throughout the scalp, it’s obviously due to a change in the normal hair cycle: either a short anagen phase or an increase in the number of  follicles that enter the telogen phase. When the majority of hair follicles “go telogen” it’s called telogen effluvium or stress alopecia. A shock to the body’s system, which stresses the hair follicles, is often to blame for this change in cyclical hair events. Two to three months after the stressor hits, up to 70 percent of hairs can enter the telogen phase and commence a massive “fall out”. There are a number of shocks that are known to cause this. They include:

    A sudden hormone change (usually a drop in hormone levels)
    After the birth of a baby ( delivery of the placenta causes the levels of pregnancy hormones to plummet)
    Discontinuing birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy
    High fever
    Acute trauma (surgery, physical injury or psychological trauma)
    Severe dieting ( inadequate protein and iron intake)
    Underactive or overactive thyroid
    Diseases such as diabetes and lupus
    Medications: These include retinoids, blood pressure medication, anti-depressants, certain birth control pills and even NSAID’s (including Ibuprofen)
    Burns or radiation therapy

Note with stress alopecia, the loss over the scalp is general, not patchy and hair loss on other parts of the body can also occur. You and your doctor may be able to ascertain if your hair loss falls in the category of stress alopecia by simply running your fingers through your hair and seeing if the many hairs that are shed have clubbed shafts.

Are there other tests that should be done to diagnose telogen effluvium?
Your doctor may want to check your iron and thyroid levels, but in most cases, your history is the most important factor for diagnosis.

What is the therapy for this type of hair loss?
Mostly reassurance. If the loss is due to a birth, illness, or a self-limited problem, it will stop and will not progress to baldness. New hair shafts will come in and in a few months the hair loss will diminish. Eventually the hair will grow back and become normal. Obviously if the loss was due to a medication, the drug should be stopped. (Note: If it was due to chemotherapy the course should be completed and hair growth will subsequently return.)

If iron levels are low, iron should be supplemented (after making sure that the cause was not abnormal bleeding, which could be a sign of a serious disorder), and if the thyroid level is “off,” this should be treated.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Hair loss
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2013, 02:58:41 AM »
I am sorry, I should have told you more than I did. I have been seeing three kinds of doctors and had bloodwork done twice. Nothing was found, no problems with iron, no problems with my hormones, no PCOS, the dermatologist could not find anything wrong.
That is why I assumed it is because of stress.
The footreflexology lady helped me with my menstruation problems. I used to have bloodloss in between periods, heavy periods and very painful cramps. She worked miracles with these problems.
The hair los is mostly at the front and on the crown. Some new hairs have started growing in the mean time but still my hair has been getting thinner.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 03:01:02 AM by Lucky »


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Re: Hair loss
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2013, 09:42:34 AM »
Can you ask your doctor whether or not it is "female pattern baldness"? The only treatment for this is minoxidil or one oral medication. If it's been nine months, were I in your shoes I would probably start medication sooner rather than later. Please read this one, Lucky--and I'm very sorry you're dealing with this. It's very hard to cope with, but will "make a philosopher" out of you. (I would not expect that reflexology would be helpful unless there's evidence.)

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Re: Hair loss
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2013, 12:28:22 PM »
Hello Hopalong, I have read about that but it is not something that runs in the family.  And some new hairs are growing at the front.

I have always been very afraid of what will happen when my father gets really ill. Because my mother is so self absorbed and self centered.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 01:02:47 PM by Lucky »


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Re: Hair loss
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2013, 09:51:36 PM »
I hear you!
But maybe this is a chance for you to stand up for yourself -- INSIDE -- by asserting that you are going to make some boundaries around yourself. And get through this experience without sacrificing yourself. You can still help, endure, take a share of the caregiving.

But you can also step back, and say NO. I have gone as far as I can today. I need help, and this is where I stop today.

Hope you'll try NOT be a victim of what is happening around you, but as much as you keep a strong hold on the idea that you are ALSO responsible to yourself.

You still matter. Just as much as if they weren't ill.

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Re: Hair loss
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2013, 10:23:27 AM »
When my hair began changing a homeopathic doctor prescribed the supplement Biotin.

It helped, and my hair returned to it's old texture and thickness.

Not sure if that would help you, Lucky, but I felt it was worth sharing.



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Re: Hair loss
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2013, 04:06:01 PM »
Hello Hops,

You hit the nail on its head, that is exactly what this is about. It is about my ability to stand up for myself, my assertiveness (or lack thereof) and boundaries. Those are my greatest worries. Will my life and feelings not be hijacked by my mother? Is she going to make the whole ordeal about HER, is she going to blackmail, guilt trip and manipulate us like h*ll?  Am I going to get through this sane or will I have to be carted off in a straightjacket? How will my NM treat my father?
At the moment I am feeling a bit better, hopefully I can keep that up. And hopefully while keeping it up my hair will stay where it is.

Thank you Light, I am going to investigate!