
Are you an Adult Child of Alcoholism?

20-15 = not acoa
1 (16.7%)
15-12 = not acoa
1 (16.7%)
12-6  =  not acoa
4 (66.7%)
8-0= ACOA
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Author Topic: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?  (Read 3770 times)


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Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« on: February 17, 2013, 06:31:03 PM »

My daughter told me long ago that she tested on this test and her score was 18/20 so determined I was a alcoholic.  I had forgotten about that, then remembered and just the other day I thought *I* would run a test on me and I was 16/20, yet neither parent was an drinker. Only Dad had the personality of a dry drunk, according to AA.

This is the place where we talk about our dysfunctional people and I was wondering if as many as are willing (confidential I think I have made it) to do the test for me, then post your score, as I want to determine that this test is one on which any of us here could score high, on dysfunction alone.

I am one who believes we inherit many of our attitudes from our parents personalities. I was quite angry after the first car crash, but didn't know it showed, was also selfish in the way that I had to relearn all things new and understand that now with this accident--but never thought about the first until I thought of this anger--although I though it was hidden.

Please? Really!! and Thank you!!


Oh! I just realized-- I won't know if it's a False positive or not

OKAY--ANYONE who really is AN ACOA-- checks the lowest score--the false positives check her real score!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 06:47:26 PM by Skits »
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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 12:43:30 AM »
Hi Izzy,

I grew up with alcoholics so I am the adult child of alcoholics regardless of any test results!  I scored 9 out of 20 on this, I would have scored double that ten years ago if I'd answered the questions honestly, although back then I don't think I was aware of some aspects of myself so may have come out with a lower score.  A lot's to do with perception isn't it?  Do you like helping people or are you co-dependent, are you good at problem solving or enabling someone else?  I don't know if that helps you on your quest or not?  How is everything else going?


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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 08:06:46 AM »
I got 11 out of 20 and added it to your jiggery thingie above.

Thanks for the test, ((((Izz))).

I think I would have scored a lot higher years ago.

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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2013, 09:06:19 AM »
Thanks twoapenny and Hopalong,
--for reminding me to insert the possibly of one having improved over the years. I went back in time to do mine, and it would be far less now.

In retrospect, even just now I don't know which age my D. chose to use as her guidepost, but I have to disagree that all high scores are from ACOA, but can be Adult children of N's or another dysfunction.

Whatever, my D. did not know what an N was until I learned that I had lived with one and saw the comparison.

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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2013, 02:54:21 PM »
Hi, Izzy.

I got 15/20 and neither of my parents were alcoholics. They were nuts, not alcoholics.
Many adult children of abuse follow behavior patterns similar to ACOAs, so scoring high on this test isn't proof that your parents were alcoholics.

Best to you,
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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2013, 09:02:57 AM »
Hi, Izzy.

I got 15/20 and neither of my parents were alcoholics. They were nuts, not alcoholics.
Many adult children of abuse follow behavior patterns similar to ACOAs, so scoring high on this test isn't proof that your parents were alcoholics.

Best to you,

That made me smile!  We all have a nut allergy now ;) xx


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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2013, 12:50:59 PM »
Thanks Lollie and twoap,

That was the thought that came to me, after my having had a rageful father, and lived with 2 alcoholics, and hearing about the N parents on here---even seeing daughter as acting straight but really a lesbian (that could have screwed her up)-- that alcoholism is as much of a dysfuction as NPD in the matter of taking (maybe many) tests for dysfunctional behaviour, and I'll bet there are plenty more PDs that could score high on that ACOA test!

Very much obliged!

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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2013, 06:34:24 PM »
Hi, Izzy.

They were nuts, not alcoholics.
Many adult children of abuse follow behavior patterns similar to ACOAs, so scoring high on this test isn't proof that your parents were alcoholics.

That's exactly the situation with my FOO.  Both parents were nuts, but not alcoholics.   I and both sibs have had problems similar to ACOA's.  The parents show plenty of other compulsions and dysfunctional behavior, but not alcohol or drug abuse. 

Coming out of the FOO in my early adulthood, I likely would have scored near 20 on the test.   Now the score is probably closer to 12, and I am more conscious of the tendencies. 


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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2013, 05:19:58 PM »
hi SilverLining,

Thank you for your response.

More and more I wonder how the so-called Specialists come up with tests to prove us 'crazy or whatever'.

Even with my upcoming Court Case , I find that different doctors have different diagnoses, and that drives me crazy (figuratively)!

I don't doubt anyone who says he/she would have scored more some years ago, but score less now. Maybe it is just called "growing up"?

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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2013, 05:45:37 PM »
Hey Skits, I see the test as tool to help understand where you've been and how far you have come. I took this test twice the first time I answered it about where I am today, my score was 9 out of 20. The second time I took it I referred to the past and scored 18 out of 20 (I didn't add that one to the poll, I just took it for personal reasons). Thanks for posting this, it helped me to see what I still need to work on. BTW my parents didn't drink with the exception of special occasions and even then it was in moderation, mom's an N but both parents had alcoholic fathers.



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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2013, 02:56:42 PM »
hi  fraidy

That is so interesting for me-- imagine how the few who have answered have not really been ACOA, yet in each "before" case would have scored high!
Thank you. I am so glad I tried this

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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2013, 07:25:07 PM »
Just to make it more intersting I asked my son to take the test. He's 23 and didn't know why I asked or about this site, just that is was a way of confirming if you have a parent that's an alcoholic.  He laughed and said there are so many holes in this test and also said "do you really think parents are the only influence on their kids?... most of my negative answers came from experiences outside of the family. Going to have to agree with him, he scored an 8 out of 20. I didn't add it to the poll but thought I'd pass his point on.


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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2013, 02:39:33 AM »
Hey fraidy

That is Something!!

You didn't close your son's quote....

"do you really think parents are the only influence on their kids?... most of my negative answers came from experiences outside of the family.

Is that where it ends or at kids??

This is something else and now it makes me positive that I am going to track down a friend of my daughter's who flew from here, B.C., to Ontario to be her bridesmaid, but they have never spoken again, after many years of' friendship" up to the beginning of high school, i.e. age 14.

Thank you. Thank you, ever so....
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Re: Will This Test Work (confidentiality?) this way?
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2013, 11:15:03 AM »
Sorry for the confusion, you had it right the first time.

His quote ended with the word family. (my bio family was most definitely the cause of my negative answers). He thought the test was a joke and questioned the validity of the test and the website that posted it.

It seemed like a self esteem test to me, there are a lot of reasons outside of alcoholism that can cause a poor self image. Not to say it can't be upbringing but our own personal choices and experiences play a part too. I would have expected different questions like: at what age did you become self reliant or did you ever feel like the caretaker of your parent if it was a test about alcoholism. Even then it wouldn't be that accurate without knowing all of the circumstances.
