Hey everyone.......Kelly here. Been a LONG time!! So I have been rereading some of my former posts trying to remember where I left off, etc. and I see so many people in my threads have changed their names. Could you either here on the board or in a personal message tell me who you were and who you are now.
I know I have changed my name a couple times through the years to keep nosy people out. When I first started my name would be so obvious to a family member.
So if you would't mind, could you do that for me??
Still fighting cancer. Had a RFA (radio frequency ablation) to remove a tumore from my liver. They basically nuke it off. That was in February. My hair has come back long and curly. Love it. Hated being bald. Still dealing with moochy cousin and brother who is in counseling. It seems I'm going through the same things I was going through a year ago.
The business my mother and I ran for 17 years and sold two years ago has gone belly up. All told the business was 70 years. It's a sad time.
I have been going through a whole lot of investigation trying to wrap my hands around my faith. I have a cancer blog. It is called cancerfight2013.blogspot.com