Hi All! I would like to thank all of you for the serious input I have read in my posts and in others.
I asked several weeks ago about some Job Advice and I got page after page of really good stuff.
Well, I am happy to say that something happened and everything is working out. I don't know if it is because I have had the guts to move ahead psychologically and emotionally or if my nmom has FINALLY heard me!! No, I didn't get the job but yes, I feel good about working in the family business - for now!!!
The doc put me on some thyroid medication and I just wonder if having my thyroid functioning like it should helps my whole body work better and my attitude is just better!
I think there was an earlier thread where people talked about stress wreaking havoc on their bodies. My doc told me that if your system gets out of balance your whole world can be turned upside down!!!
Maybe I could have dealt with all this stuff a lot better if I was well.
Well, I'm getting better so thanks!