My NM is 76 turning 77 this year. She just had back surgery kyphoplasty the week before Mothers Day. She is in a convalescent home recovering. She is quite mobile from the waist down, can walk very well, but limited with stretching, arms and upper body movements. Can't push herself out of bed that sort of thing. But once on her feet with the walker, look out!
Anyway I visited her two weeks ago and noticed a huge change in her responses to me. She is in a position of helplessness and dependency now. She was distraught at getting disabled so early (most of her friends are 80s, including her two older sisters) when everyone else is so mobile - walking, playing golf etc. Even her friend who is 84 has a hip replacement and still walks three miles a day. NMs problem is degenerative osteoporosis, so recovery or healing will be minimal. She is losing mobility rather rapidly. Most likely will not be able to drive soon - she cant twist around to see oncoming cars and such and cant sit up for long periods of time, and forget bending on knees and twist to get into car. When that happens she will have to sell her home as well - cant lift a frying a pan or grocery shop and her house is loaded with steps on every level.
Suddenly, she is using this to get me on her side. She suddenly wants all my notes, white papers (how to organize a house, paperwork files, the flowchart on converting the assets from home sale into income for assisted living all that.) Last year we argued about my LLC business, which she could not be bothered to learn about or discuss at a reasonable level. She was constantly belittling me and marginalizing my talents, comparing me to others etc. Now, all of a sudden, twice in two weeks, she wants to me keep calling (she cant make outgoing calls at the Conv. home) and wants all my advice and charts printed out and sent to her.
Unbelieveable! She tends to only value me and my brains, good sense when it benefits her.