I'm trying to force myself, Green, but I do find it hard. At the minute, for example, I'm trying to talk to people that I don't usually (there are groups we go to where I tend to chat to the same people each week so I'm trying to chat to someone I don't usually). I find I'm very good at planning ways to break out of my comfort zone but much less good at actually doing it.
That said I do think a bit of hibernation in the winter is a good thing, lazy days off doing very little when it's cold outside are necessary for all of us, I think. And you've had such a tough time with your brother passing and then your whole family situation coming up again - a little bit of r and r is sometimes all we need or are capable of.
But perhaps the fact you are thinking about comfort zones means that there's a little spring around the corner and you're thinking about getting out a bit more? Or something similar? That could be a good sign? xx