I second Living Consciously’s “
Thank you Alan” for taking the time to pass on this information! I will certainly check it out and might easily have missed it otherwise.
I'll be searching that link and the radio program for clues about how to live with and without those with N traits – either is a struggle for me. Should be easy to do without but then why the heck am I living with one.
So much of what i read here on our site, and struggle with myself, is about cutting ties and about how to live with those not yet cut and those that may never be (oh and what constitutes a healthy one anyway?

). At the risk of sounding corny, one thing I am getting very clear about is that understanding is a key. So, thanks for passing on a source for more potential pieces of the puzzle.
I'll come back to this thread after listening to the program next week.
P.S. CC and Discounted Girl, I got the feeling that you are both speaking to the balance or lack there of between love and hate, understanding/compassion and indifference/malevolence. How, when, where and why to strike a balance or/& acknowledge being driven to extremes? When to brave seeing the world/a world from
their viewpoint? How not to loose myself in their reflection when I only stepped into that pool for a brief moment to gain some understanding? How not to get swept away in the undertow? It is a sort of slippery slope for me. I could go on at length here but since the topic is the radio program I’ll stick to that here except to say:
Discounted Girl
It is such a waste! Your 15-month-old self, just waiting for proper nourishment to boom. For that my heart bleeds a little and I am, albeit painfully, proud that to have the luxury, at this moment, that some others do not and that I do not always have myself to feel, for even a moment, that loss and pain and thereby the value of life, yours and mine, the quality not just quantity.
In a way she is standing there in that picture still waiting, suspended in time until someone like you, who knows AND feels the value of what was lost, her, your value to come along and release her. And, if we don't mourn and feel the losses of childhood how can we know the true value of what we are reviving in ourselves and protecting one another and future generations from? That is the gift of having a heart that bleeds.
And as you point out, it is that hemorrhaging we have look out for! Arrrrrrg.

One way is to cut ties. I did with my “mom” for decades and I am back in contact now and
very glad I cut those ties and very glad I am in contact again. Given the circumstances, social and personal, I am both sad and comfortable saying I’d do it the same way again. She was and is not the embodiment of evil and yet her behavior had the ability to wreak an evil havoc with my life. (still does but just briefly and not so deeply either).
In terms of how to respond I don't understand what is meant by “a Gentile and a tax collector “ -is that to say there is a price to pay for having a society, a collective in which we do not always agree and at least one can find solace in others with whom we enjoy support?
And CC, if I recall you are still living, as am I, with a husband with N traits? Isn't that close enough I ask myself? Besides isn’t our caring part of what they devour? Do I spend too much time trying to understand him and survive him at the expense of, oh lets see...hmmm, perhaps that career post/conversation? (as CC knows, I posted a topic about employment –I just vented for the first post so it may be hard to tell but it is intended to be a place to talk and focus on ourselves especially regarding work/career). Ok, CC I am going back that way, really any minute.
P.S.S. One of these days I may get around to posting something along the lines of “Give and Take: Sharing the Seas with Pirates” regarding the whole thing of how do we live with them as flesh and blood or as ghostly creatures? How do we not become villainous fighting villains? When are we sympathetic vs. when are we pathetic? (or I'll look for other posts about that). Balance takes a lot of coordination. Ok I am straying from this radio post. See ya here in Oct.