Hey Hops...
I notice a little of that, too. But I wonder if it if isn't natural... a sort of shift of states along with the season... and perhaps even serves some "soul refreshment" purpose? Like a catnap?
I always worry that those people who are always busy, happy, and chirpy every single day like some manic canary have some serious screws loose, somewhere. Either that, or a main IV line drip of coffee to keep going... or really, really good meds.
Fall is my favorite season. I absolutely love being able to see the change, day to day. And pretend I "hear" a leaf falling (down here, it's more like a hard pine cone bouncing off a roof!)... it's a nice change from the raucous, happy-chaos activity of summer; more peaceful... with an undercurrent of change, too - to crisper evenings, the hint of snow... when I like to have some yummy-smelling casserole or roast in the oven, a good book and a warm cuddly lap cat... or maybe a long movie with glorious scenery and cinemaphotography... like Doctor Zhivago -- an epic, with an intermission and a real story in it, not just a formula to use up X amount of time.