Thanks Hops.
I do get a mental shift out of the self inventory associated with a PAD, which in my case, seems mores situational rather than chronic. I have been between positions before, when I was a "competent professional" and never needed financial help before, but that was before I got traumatized by the abusive boss who led me to the discovery that my Mom is N. Malingering,procrastination/ leanred helplessness are three big signs of PAD, and I definitely suffer with those, my T probably saw that. But, what I also feel is that I lost that mature, competent adult self that I once had and I dont know how to get her back. This discovery hurt so much I regressed to being a wounded child. And wounded children even with a resume of professional accomplishments cant get hired or make progress, we fail everytime. I can use this information to self identify and improve, which is always good.
I think the most important thing for me these days is action, and sticking to moving forward, its seems life is 80/20. 80 is the practical work of finding a job, 10 is understanding my personal psychology and maybe 10 attitude/faith or law of attraction if you believe in that stuff. I can already say that my belief in karma is still strong, but not the golden rule - I feel like I was a good person, to the extent of being a naive doormat and have now paid the price. Not sure I believe treating abusers with respect or love or kindness will yield any in return. Thats just naive. Maybe the deal is that good people who treat abusers well will be rewarded, but not sure what that means in terms of actions. Now that I know their game, do I have to be kind with them really? I think NO.
As for befriending myself, Im working on that.
Thanks for your post Hops.