Well, I don't know if this "counts"... but I took y'alls advice about maybe hiring out some of the work around here. Had someone come and pressure wash the cobwebs/bugs off the eaves and nooks/crannies of the house... then he came back to do the windows outside. No ladders involved at all! Just a really long wand with cleaner and a hose. And young, strong arms and back!! It looks FABULOUS! The house that is...

"Benjamin" looks like a surfer who's grappling with "real life" now. Wife and two small kids... and 3 jobs!! 2 are his own businesses; and the 3rd is with the county, so he has benefits. We talked about the next phase, of dealing with the railings on my steps - I need to sand, caulk & paint next, since he got them so clean in record time. I told him, I'd much rather help guys like him make it -- than to (yet again) feel like I have to "do it myself" when I'm just not physically able to, anymore - unless I pace the job out over months. Hubs has been picking out "labor saving" devices for me, for the garden/landscaping work I do... and...... wait for it!

.... that's the extent of his help.
He has made a GIANT leap, in the "stuff" category though. We pushed through a whole closet full of "stuff" and donated 3 big boxes of puzzles, car models, and games (along with a lot of other extra stuff) last week. And we've reduced a few of the constant stacks of paper, too. Just wait until I start to reclaim some flat surfaces in the office for my "art stuff", though... we're both going to need valium!!

I tried to move a paper bag with some little bit of recycling in the bottom of it, off his slippy-slidy mountain of paper he feels he has to print out from websites (to show me, of course) and you'd a thought I'd grabbed him by the short hairs!! Jeez... I don't understand the "need" to be surrounded by clutter; I just don't. I "need" wide open spaces... don't know why either.
Speaking of which - question for you folks!! I have 16, uhuh... 16 different journals of vomiting out Twiggy's Tale of Woe. They are taking up space, which I have been thinking about using for the ever-growing collection of books. I'm scared to death, that someone will find them and start reading all the awful, whiny, self-pitying stages... and nasty angry resentful stuff... that I've let go, about as much as anyone lets things go. I'm thinking I want to let the journals go too... my usual method is bonfire. (Phoenix, remember?) Anyway, I thought I'd throw it out for a vote among the Amazons who walked through a lot of those journals, with me.
What say you?