Author Topic: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 5768 times)


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2013, 03:47:26 PM »
hi Beth

How nice to hear from you again!

I am as well as can be expected. Been through Hell and kept on going!

My brother's and my emails are quite civil and each is reminding the other of the crazy things that happened on the farm We were an isolated family, just 2 dysfunctional parents and 5 kids who might have killed each other, or ourselves.

I keep relevant correspondence for my Executor. If my D. contests the Will, it will cost her and in the meantime I spend the settlement on that for which it was intended----basically to not make it worth her while.

Just hanging in, hanging out and hanging on!
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2013, 06:05:26 PM »
Hi All,

Is this health or family----?

My other post talked about a nick to a toe and I bled, in the dark, 3:00 a.m., not knowing until I moved and the ambient light, from street lights through the blinds, showed dark spots on my white kitchen tile. I backed up more to get to the dining room light and there was blood, red blood….mine. Now what?

The closest I was to anything to stem the flow was the door under the sink where I keep “rags” for cleaning. One happened to be an old cotton nightgown freshly washed and there (from using it as a base for my oven racks and the cleaning thereof). It had gone through the wash and I felt it safe. I grabbed it and wrapped it around my foot. We just grab what is handy!

Then I grabbed a scrub cloth and cleaned the kitchen floor, then followed my trail across the carpet to the computer and back. I felt “quite but not quite” like cleaning up so dealt with my foot. Whatever, I was in my bedroom by now and everything fell off my foot and I bled on the bedroom carpet.  What to grab? a make-up covered Kleenex? See what you need?… a whole suitcase of supplies just going from room to room, and each experience teaches me more as to “what to put where in case of what…”

Ellen attended to my messy cleaning today!

I was 2 weeks and 4 days off the Prednisone and knew I needed more, so went back for an Rx. My face was swollen  (“moonface“) and my feet and lower legs. Instead of the 25mg dly where I had stopped before, Dr. put me on 10 mg dly, go down to 5 mg dly, but I could adjust for myself. I was too weak on the 10mg so took the 5mg extra today, and was much better  So will stay at that. (Internet, another place, tells it might take 2 years to cure. OMG! OMG! But my face has gone down somewhat and my feet and legs, as Karla massaged all the lymphatic fluid back up to my knees--saw Dr. after that massage and he said “No”! --it was a waste of her time and a waste of my money, but from then (a week ago) the swelling had not returned. Who to believe?

Today I am trying to get to our Interior Heath for a nurse to come and advise me on my legs, as they are both bruised and one is leaking lymphatic fluid. These will be the same nurses who came in 2008, for the pressure sore on my heel, one of which told me I would lose both my legs…  ……………… I remember being really upset, but now I will take it or leave it as long as I have an answer.

The contact with my brother has been good, although not from his perspective, but he told me about his arthritic knees (and therapy), (I hadn’t known) how all was well until just last Friday when they gave out on him. I have yet to learn if he fell, or regained his balance, but that is the FIRST any member of my family has told me about an ongoing health problem, in the manner he used. In 2010, my sister had cancer but she acted as though it was nothing and she would be okay, sent pictures of wigs and bald heads as though it was happening to someone else.

I definitely see now a difference in the way the two of them write and I would rather hear from my brother!

I really like Karla and Ellen, and also like my privacy. It works well, such as it is!

XX All
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2013, 07:17:31 AM »
As to moon or chipmunk face, feh.
What matters is you spending less time in pain, imo.
I am so glad you found a doctor who knows about pain management, Izz.

I'm sorry about the edema.
A nurse announcing you'd lose legs! I'd have her license!

So glad you're able to have a peaceable, non-triggering correspondence
with your brother, Izz, what a precious exchange this must be.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2013, 11:11:56 AM »
I'm glad things are coming together, Izzy, it sounds as if the right people are in the right places most of the time.  You're very good to manage all that blood, the sight of it freaks me out :)


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2014, 12:23:35 AM »
Well it's taken this long to feel out my brother and I now expect that some of my details are too gross for him to hear!.

What to do? Stop telling him? Lay the truth on thick?

His messages are very short with just thanks for asking/writing and for me to enjoy my new convertible "car". Take it easy and keep in touch! He never says much about his/our? family, as usual!  Yes, my news is generally gruesome, but always a 'joke' to offset the worst news.

Remember now, I told them that I had little else to talk about but my health--- and don't mention Karla and Ellen, as it isn't fair when I hear nothing about his friends (most of which I know).

I become so confused, as to what is right for some people and never right for me!


"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2014, 10:19:37 AM »

I say yes to therapy.  Maybe German Feeling Therapy that includes Primal Scream work?

::picturing Izz in a tiny padded little room, on LSD, being told to scream by a T with Burger King Breath::


Maybe a T who doesn't do their work in a little padded room, but in a regular office room, where you can clutch your favorite pillow, or blanket on regular furniture?

I say try it, and see how it goes.

About your will, and dd, and sibs......

you didn't ask, but if it's me making those decisions, I'd picture my child at the time you had your accident, and I'd put her in my will with that child in mind.  I'd certainly put my caretakers, and friends, in my will, but I'm wondering where they were while the skin on your legs have been falling apart in recent months. 

Why didn't they catch this, Izz?
