Okay, quick quiz.
There are numerous mentions of sexual abuse throughout my records, proving, I feel, that it was something I was genuinely affected by and not something I dreamed up to break up my parents marriage because I'm crazy.
I've spoken of what he did to numerous professionals over the years who have either done nothing or called me a liar and said I was mentally ill.
I'm writing out these synopses now, my version of events, what happened, what I know of the false accusations and so on and so forth.
Do I mention the sexual abuse and the fact that I think he's dangerous and that someone should at least check on my sister's kids and the other kids he's had contact with over the years? Or do I keep that to myself?
Every time I've mentioned it before they've come after me instead - another investigation, another accusation of mental illness, another stressful bout of questions and accusations and having to prove I didn't do something (which is quite difficult, how do you prove you're not lying?). So do I leave it out, so that I don't risk that happening again?
Or do I put it in, because it's my truth, my record, my version of what happened and I can, at least, prove I've been talking about this for years, even if I can't prove it happened?
Someone might run with it this time. They might find some proof and prosecute him. They might find no proof and I'll be officially a liar then. Nothing at all might happen. They might not even read what I write, just file it and archive it. What do you all think?