Hi love2much
Just like Flower says, some support around you.
If you are in or can get in counseling, it can help. Other things that can help are reading as much as you can about the emotional workings of why people stay in such relationships, how to leave, and the manipulations that the abusive person will try to pull when you try to leave, and how to handle them.
Also joining online forums and offline support groups with like people that are going through the exact same thing. So many good and unique ideas, and empathetic support can be found in those kinds of enviroments.
Also, if you have good friends & family, it would be a good time to begin to commicate with them more, and spend some time with them. The point is to rekindle other relationships and develop emotional connections with others that can gradually replace your emotional connection with your partner.
When I left a 5 year relationship with someone with N traits, many months before, in order to prepare, I began to shift the intimate things I shared with my then partner, to sharing them with others. Things like what my day was like, interesting, funny or annoying things that happened to me, some of my hopes, my fears etc.
I found that sharing all these personal things with only him is one thing that kept me emotionally close to my X. I felt like I couldn't let go because "who would I talk to about xyz"... Now, it is not only one person that I tell things to anymore, but there are several different people that I share different aspects/things about myself & life with. It is a freedom not to "need" someone emotionally.
Wishing you the best....