Just seen that I managed to put my response in with the quote, it was obviously a bit too early to be posting 
Anyway, little steps! Have had an email from the DV group; they said they feel it comes under the category of domestic abuse and that they should be able to help and have asked me to call them. A little glint of light in the right place.
You sound good, and I'm looking forward to what the dv folks have to say.
Having just read on article on proving dv, and alienation, it's difficult, but possible.
It all comes down to documentation, and the willingness to stand up to the unrelenting bully, IMO.
If we keep giving them things for their efforts, and allowing them to harm us without any consequences, then we're inviting more of the same, IME>
It's not fair to ask us to do that to ourselves, when doing nothing can drive you crazy.
The act of being proactive makes it possible to feel empowered, and less helpless, which is necessary for good mental health, esp if we have to continue fielding attacks, IME.
That'swhatyou'redoing, Tupp.
It's what we;re both doing.