Author Topic: WHO AM I  (Read 1477 times)


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« on: January 30, 2014, 12:45:44 AM »
Hi All...

Who am I ?

This is where 'I' began ...........with this question.

I have asked myself this question....not how others define me, how do I define myself.

Am I old ,young etc...... the truth... maybe just..........Consciousness, truth, life, rest, stillness or love...or All in All.

Am I an emotion , how do I define myself? Do "I" see myself in everyman's image and if I do not why are we here?

Am I awareness? An open ended question...The "I" is assumed to be separate from others.

Am "I" this or that identification ? The question ends ...when there is no separation from all.

is there an answer that satisfies ...the closes one "I" have found is Love.



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« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2014, 02:54:06 PM »
Hi moonlight

I'm not sure I really understand, but I was sitting here the other night realizing that I was thinking......

I think. Therefore I am.

.... and realized that that is all that has me be a living person on this planet.

I am old youngster and the emotion would be a frustrated/angry one for the lot in life I was thrown/accepted from a very early age.

I fear I will live forever, and I would hate that, but I also fear a painful, undignified death, as I want only to go quietly in my sleep. As of today, I am ready tonight, except it would take me a while to remove personal files from my computer. Ha!

Aware? I might be considered to not be!

Love? I have to find it!

I just exist!


"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2014, 08:47:55 PM »
Hi  Izzy ,

 I think therefore I exist this is true...Who or what is the "I" ?

We all have a story... That is for sure...but who is that that has a story.

I have found the biggest barrier to peace, stillness, rest, truth and Love might be identifying with ego...

to get to the point of being relieved of "my" story which includes all the pain a person endures
( some more some less than others... no one gets away without sorrow )

Ego must take a backseat to the heart...

"I' am speaking of what has helped me...

May not be everyone's cup of tea and certainly is not...

Before kicking  ego into backseat and letting my heart drive...I worked on the PTSD ...Trauma first...that was very hard...

I faced head on every emotional pain that has given me nightmares , flashbacks etc...

The awareness you have in far as facing trauma ...your bravery is amazing...

"I" am ready to "go" anytime as well...

after dealing with identifying with my ego as me...

and seeing that is not who I am...there is the question...who am I ?

The answer I found beyond "my story" is I am love.

Izzy, I see you are very loving certainly are Beloved .

All my Love in my Heart and Soul to you Dearest Izzy

so grateful for your insightful comments...

Love and peace and Light to you Always
