Wow! Moon! As Hops put it: that does sound like a lot of work! (Hiya Hops!).
But well worth it, as you say. Now you have peace! What a reward! That's wonderful!
As to your next goal… are only human Moon. You have to screw up, some times. It's impossible not to eh?
It's a challenge to work on this forgiving oneself stuff though for sure. Why do so many have such a hard time with that?
Why do people expect or accept more…better….less screw ups….. from themselves than others? I think a lot of people do that.
Keep working on it, Moon, and you'll get there. Look how far you've come?
As for me…….ride a motor cycle? Nope. Not me. Must be confused with someone else. I have an aversion to motor cycles because my brother had
a very bad accident on one. Permanent brain damage. Not pretty and didn't turn out well. Give me 4 wheels over two anytime!!
Maybe you were thinking of my hubby's tractors and bull dozer etc? If so, yes, we
still have a parade day, every year. We invite a bunch to join us with wagons full of people. We usually go for a few hours tractor pulling wagons ride, often to a certain destination. like
a park or a country museum….once, even an art gallery, hidden away in a barn!! We bring a lunch, enjoy the ride, visit the destination and then return for a bar-b-que and corn roast.
It's fun but the people are getting older and it's hard to get the younger ones interested. Tractors are slow, you know.

Not very exciting. Oh…..but the feel of the warm breeze and the smells of hay and the cow stuff…….the lovely sights that you get to see because you are driving by so slowly……are all wonderful!

I look forward to it every year!