Author Topic: 2014 and my update  (Read 3329 times)


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2014 and my update
« on: January 26, 2014, 10:47:17 PM »
I remember thinking my legal struggles had to be over by 2014....
just had to be.

it seemed so far away in 2010.

And here I am, on the tail end, not quite out, but I can smell the barn. 

My youngest sib just endured a very painful civil trial...

such a sad Christmas. 

On another legal front, I shared with the board the outcome of the Custody suit brought by my IL's in 2009 against me.

It was dismissed in 2010, appealed successfully in 2011, and went to trial the summer of 2012.  That was a very difficult summer for my children.  They'll likely flinch every time they hear the word "therapist" again. 

At the end of that insane trial.... I'm talking nutsy rocksy koo koo krazy....... the pd's lost by a long shot, got punished and called out for being who they are by the Judge, and hit with paying my legal fees.... a very large sum indeed.

 It;s just like Brother Mud said....

the pd's can;'t withstand the light of a the final courtroom.

 I've seen it a couple times, now, and it  may not be true in all the hearings leading up to that final courtroom, but it's true at the final trial, IME.


I can picture my MIL, running to her attorney's table from the witness stand,

 bent over like she was scampering for a foxhole,

whispering out loud....

"Help me out here, I'm getting killed up there."

And so she was.

Argumentative. Refusing to follow instructions.  Talked over the Judge. 



There are hours and hours and  hours of damaging testimony against both ILs.  The disordered tell their story so often, to so many sycophant yes men, they have no idea how it's going to play to an impartial Judge.  Those, used to bullying to get their way, really have a hard time..... you just don't tell a Superior Court Judge what to do, and have it go well.

You could feel that Judge bow up.... hear her amazement when she asked pointed questions of the IL's herself, and get back these hostile, selfish, unbelievably inappropriate responses.

Honestly, I had to pull my hands from my face, more than once, when I found myself watching that testimony through fingers. 

I digress...

So, the IL's waited till the 30th day following the Order to file their intent to appeal... the last day they could file it.

Standard operating procedure.   

It's been a year now, and still no formal appeal docs with their reasons laid out for for the appeal.  Whatever are they going to cite as cause?

What gives? 

Ok, they did ask for an extension on time bc of that monster sized transcript they had to order.... that sucker;s a foot high.

So, where's the Appeal already?

A couple weeks ago opposing counsel calls my attorney and extends an invitation to make an offer of settlement.

My attorney tells opposing counsel  "she already has a Judgement, why should she settle anything?" 

"To get her money sooner," says he.

When I'm asked what I think,

I think........

I'd rather stab my eyes out than send the message they can continue leveraging me with threats and the justice system.

"The interest is running", says my attorney to opposing counsel, and "I think the Judge;s Orders are bullet proof... they're not getting reversed."

Opposing counsel pretty flabbergasted over lack of interest to settle.

We don't call him back with an offer, and his clients give him marching orders to offer a deal.... a little more than half the fees in question.

My attorney tells him "I've already been hired to handle the appeal, our copy of the transcript is on my desk, and, unlike you, I don't have to read it....

I  was in the courtroom, and I know what's in it... nothing good for your clients."

He doesn't want to have to read that transcript.  It's clear.

Opposing counsel going back to clients with our best offer.... we come down what we think it would cost us to fight the appeal. 

Not much.

I think my IL's play this "game" a lot, and are used to getting what they want. 

But not this time.

On to more important updates.....

My lovely, blue eyed, optimistic Mother continues to be a pillar of resolve and strength in her battle with breast cancer. 

It's been almost 3 years, and she's struggling with her third chemo...

very effective with the cancer, but knocking the stuffing out of her as well. 

Her tumor count went from 2000s to 300s, and still dropping, but side efffects, weight loss, and headaches very serious.

She's been active, involved with her Grandchildren, and working as she can, keeping up with friends..... enjoying life, and connecting with her loved ones in what can only be described as a very meaningful act of living her every moment.   

She's amazing, and I'd appreciate any prayers or tsunamis of healing pink light you'd be kind enough to send our way.



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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2014, 02:17:25 AM »
Lighter, I am sending ever ounce of healing light I have to your Mum, you, your kids and anyone else who might need it right now.

Your mum sounds incredibly brave and stoic, what a contrast to the 'other side' that you have had to deal with.

I'm glad you're almost there.  Will they simply run out of time where this appeal is concerned?  Is there a limit to how long they can continue to leave that card on the table without doing anything about it?  I like the sound of your attorney; "our copy of the transcript is on the desk and, unlike you, I don't have to read it".  Brilliant.

You are so right.  Their way of seeing things is so different to most people's that it only holds up if they aren't challenged, questioned or asked to provide evidence.  This theme of wanting to take people's children from them as well - I think most grandparents like the fact they can do the fun stuff but hand back responsibility at the end of the day.  So much done simply to hurt and cause as many problems as possible.

Three years ago now, I think, I received a letter from my mum's solicitors threatening legal action against me, because of all the 'untrue' things I kept saying about them.  I replied quickly, stating that I'd never said anything untrue and that I was perfectly happy to go to court to prove it.  Never heard another peek.

2014, hopefully, the year this is finally over for you?  Is this the final step, will there come a point where they simply have to pay up and accept defeat?  I truly hope so xx


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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2014, 01:43:10 PM »
Hi Tupp:

My Mom is brave.... I'm so proud of her.  So not ready to lose her.

Her headaches are better today... usually last 3 days.  Appetite OK.  Tumor markers up 100 points, so scan in the works.  She's just keeps plugging along without catasrophizing.

The legal stuff will end.  I've done everything I can to bring that about.  It is what it is, and I agree....

my attorney's response was spot on.  I don't think she could have done any better.

I'll call Judge's office and see what timeline is for appeal is.  The laws pretty cut and dry.  It's the attorneys interpreting the laws that cause all this confusion and chaos, IME. 

I'm curious, how are you getting on with your prodigal sister?  Did she suffer abuse from your sf too?



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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2014, 03:59:38 PM »
Well Congrats on starting out 2014 more peacefully, sounds like it was hell, personally I would be going into hermit / witness protection program mode


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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2014, 09:39:27 PM »
Well Congrats on starting out 2014 more peacefully, sounds like it was hell, personally I would be going into hermit / witness protection program mode

Ya, I guess I do that now and again. 

Green Bean.... did you ever go by another name"

I don't remember you under that name.



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Update from Lighter
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2014, 11:20:05 PM »

update continued....

my oldest child is an honor student, and my youngest is doing fine in school this year.

We're still doing the cyber academy charter program, which has been interesting.

There are some things I absolutely love about it, and perhaps would love if I were more organized, and multi tasked better than I do, but hey....

it's a journey I'm glad I didn't miss.

We travel a bit, and keep in touch with friends from our previous community.

Our old private school welcomes us back to participate for however long we land, and it's been a blessing and a joy.

Depending on how mom's feeling, we'll take a trip to the beach soon.

Maybe go to the Museum in Toronto.



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Re: Update from Lighter
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2014, 01:51:33 AM »

update continued....

my oldest child is an honor student, and my youngest is doing fine in school this year.

We're still doing the cyber academy charter program, which has been interesting.

There are some things I absolutely love about it, and perhaps would love if I were more organized, and multi tasked better than I do, but hey....

it's a journey I'm glad I didn't miss.

We travel a bit, and keep in touch with friends from our previous community.

Our old private school welcomes us back to participate for however long we land, and it's been a blessing and a joy.

Depending on how mom's feeling, we'll take a trip to the beach soon.

Maybe go to the Museum in Toronto.


That all sounds so nice, Lighter, beach days are the best days for us, are museums free in the States?  A lot are in the UK, it's a lovely way to spend a rainy afternoon :)  Great that the kids are getting on so well :)


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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2014, 01:57:10 AM »
Hi Tupp:

My Mom is brave.... I'm so proud of her.  So not ready to lose her.

Her headaches are better today... usually last 3 days.  Appetite OK.  Tumor markers up 100 points, so scan in the works.  She's just keeps plugging along without catasrophizing.

The legal stuff will end.  I've done everything I can to bring that about.  It is what it is, and I agree....

my attorney's response was spot on.  I don't think she could have done any better.

I'll call Judge's office and see what timeline is for appeal is.  The laws pretty cut and dry.  It's the attorneys interpreting the laws that cause all this confusion and chaos, IME. 

I'm curious, how are you getting on with your prodigal sister?  Did she suffer abuse from your sf too?


Hi Lighter,

We've not spoken since.  I kept a healthy distance.  If/when she is at a point that she wants to disengage I am happy for her to be in contact with us and am happy to meet, talk and see how things go.  But I was careful not to leap in and rescue her (go me!).  We arranged to meet twice and she cancelled both times so I've left the ball in her court.  I remember in those early days that I seesawed back and forth where mum is concerned.  She's not an easy woman to get away from and leaving your mum, however toxic she may be, isn't an easy decision to make.

So she knows where I am but I am getting on with my life.  Roughly half way through paperwork now, it has slowed down as I've been journaling as I do it and that's taking longer than the paperwork is but I feel like I need it and I have found I feel I can let go of outcomes more easily now.  Perhaps it's because my boundaries are better now; however things turn out I will be okay because I look after myself better these days and I can cope with it?

Whether SF abused her as well I don't know; she was certainly exposed to inappropriate behaviour in the same way that I was.  There may be more but again, it's her stuff to deal with if and when she's ready.  I'm getting the hang of this boundary stuff now! :)


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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2014, 07:12:29 AM »
Pink-light tsunamis, with love, lifting your Mom, Lighter.
She is so important to you, and lucky to be so valued.
Many, many years more for all of you...peace and delights.

Tupp, you are so wise, adult and non-triggered with your sister.
And fair. I like it that you have boundaries and don't "pot-stir."

I'm totally impressed.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2014, 04:51:22 PM »
Tupp... I sat there, eyes wide, reading your last post.


Wow, you sound so......


You sound so healthy.

And grounded. 

And appropriate.



Lighter: )


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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2014, 02:46:18 AM »
Tupp... I sat there, eyes wide, reading your last post.


Wow, you sound so......


You sound so healthy.

And grounded. 

And appropriate.



Lighter: )

Well it's all the love and support I've received from you lovely people and Dr G having this board set up in the first place.  I wouldn't be in that frame of mind without it.

I love Hops' pink light tsunamis for your mum.  Am seconding that idea :)

And hoping to soon be reading that your inlaws are gone, off the table and are causing no more problems.  Your mum and your girls are very lucky to have you xx


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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2014, 01:38:52 PM »
Hi lighter

You have certainly been to Hell and back, and have a good handle on your life with your girls. I can hear it in your words  of describing your challenges and successes. I don't remember about your speaking about your mother. I wish her good health. I suppose I was more aware of the in-laws in your life.

I've kept track all along, and have been very remiss in not replying to others on this forum as I once did, as I have been overwhelmed with my own life since the car hit me in March/09. That was when my "wheels fell off my little red wagon".

I wish you and yours continued happiness!

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2014, 05:31:09 PM »

I don;t know how you keep putting the wheels back on your little red wagon, but you always do.

Even when things get so mired, and unfair, and painful that most of us can't imagine soldiering on....

you soldier on.

No complaints from me about how many threads you join or respond to.

You've had your hands full, and it warms my heart that you;ve found a moment to wish me and my family happiness.

Thank you..



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Re: 2014 and my update
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2014, 10:00:35 PM »
No news from opposing counsel on settlement negotiations, but it's been a weird week.

No info on the appeal or what comes next or the time line. 
