Hops - I meant to say nourishing, not nurturing, but similar enough, I think you know what I meant.
Yes, I too went on a date recently (last weekend actually) and he has not called or txted me after I txted him on Mothers Day to thank him for dinner and a great time. He is the older brother of an elementary school friend. Turned out to be a very handsome pilot, very much out of my league. Don't know why he likes me or wanted to meet me. Ive heard horror stories about old friends from school who look up people for the purpose of embarassing or humiliating them and I have to wonder why he picked me. I don't know what I did or said, except that he saw through me, like I think all people do and so I never expect to hear anything back. I expect to be ignored and that is always what happens. Trying to make myself think someone would be interested in me feels like a lie and I cant do it, no matter how hard I try.