No clear idea what the community is like where you are, Sea, but this anecdote if it helps (though it's smaller scale):
I was stuck in my parents' big house after they died, and had to rent out a wing. The new minister at the UU church
decided to rent it from me. That was good. BUUUUT, the idea of emptying and tidying and getting it all ready for him
was completely, totally overwhelming. I tried, made dabs, but was as hampered by memory and indecisiveness AND
back pain, as you can imagine in your "now."
So the Sunday before he arrived I stood up in the "Joys and Concerns" bit and said, he's arriving in 24 hours and the
apartment isn't ready and I don't know how to get this done. Nearly by the time I sat down, there were 5 people
at my pew, saying, what's the address, how's 2 o'clock? And by the end of that day those ANGELS had descended
on the space, sorted out Mom's clothes for donation, cleaned the bathroom floor to ceiling, packed up wallsfulls
of bookshelves, vacuumed, carried out excess furniture, etc. I will never, ever forget what it was like to ask for
the help I needed, and then receive it.
Dunno if a local org. or church is appropriate for you -- but where there are groups of people, there are people
who like to help. I imagine it as being very healing for you to stand up somewhere and say, Can anyone help
me with this?
And just see what happens.