It wasn't anything to write home about, here. We're fine.
I did struggle for a month or so, with some nasty head/chest cold. I woke up one morning with my throat on fire and then it went downhill from there. That was a week before the kids came for week - so I was pretty much party pooper. Logan and his two girl "friends" stayed in the pool 12 hrs a day for a week. I asked him Friday if he was tired yet... and he looked at me like I was nutz! He just turned 6. His sister Harper is growing like a week and such a lovey girl.
D in Baltimore is doing pretty well; she's working on a movie/tv special effects production crew -- and is able to cut back her hours working nights. D#1 with the two boys is doing MUCH better now. I couldn't have foreseen 18 months ago how much better. She's growing some wisdom, lately. And is starting to show some thoughtful consideration for others and being kind to herself. That is real progress.
Just saw GS's thread; haven't read it yet. Y'all have been on my mind a lot lately since I've been AWOL. There some "thing" bugging me; like a burr under my saddle that hasn't been completely resolved yet, to my satisfaction. Don't know what it is, for sure - to give it a simple name; but the whining about it will sound REAL familiar, I think. (At least, it is to me - and I have to hear it all the time!!) It's sort of a twist on "survivor guilt", I guess.
What all have you been up to, Hops? Still putting up with your old millstone around the neck, boss? Did you get a garden started yet? (Fall crops, ya know??)
I've got my raised beds in, the cute little "yuppie" tents over them - to keep the squirrels and deer out - and some fancy open-pollinated tomatos and squash that are going gangbusters right now.
OH. And I think I'm a fer-real, honest to goodness hermit. Absolutely zilch social life of my own - and no desire for one - except online.