Hello Everyone:
I very recently lost my dad. We laid him to rest this week. Following basic surgery, I was his caregiver along with my N mom. We finally brought him home and believed he was on the mend. I was alone with him when God gently called him home in the wee hours of the morning.
What followed was typical of my family's N dynamics. I handled all the details of the wake and funeral as my tough N mom suddenly couldn't make any decisions. My bro who checked out of family awhile ago was there but minimally so. My very extreme N and socio sis pulled out all the drama. She refused to go into wake chapel, took no part of arrangements, came to the funeral dressed like she was going to mall, refused to participate in church and threatened my life.
If has been so hard. I loved my dad despite everything more than I can say. It doesn't feel right that I'm walking around this world without him in it. I see no purpose. Anyone that cared for me even a little is dead now. I miss my dad more than I can say.
My head tells me I did everything humanly possible to care for him and show him I love him but J wish he could have explained or admitted things before he was called home. Now I'm left with my N mom even though she continues to worship her golden child, her fellow N.
I just don't see a purpose anymore since Sad passed. He was the center of my life, caring for him and comforting him.