Lovely people, I'd appreciate your knowledgeable thoughts on this!
I've recently got back in contact with my estranged sister, formerly very close to my mum but now pushed aside as she has displeased her and is no longer doing as she's told (my sister, this is, not my mum!). Two things have become apparent through talking to her. One is that absolutely no-one in the family - my mum included - has any idea how serious my son's problems are, or that they're life long and very restrictive for him. The second is that no-one - apart from my mum - knows how many times she has deliberately lied to a whole host of different agencies claiming that I abuse him (apparently everyone's under the impression that we had a bit of a row a few years ago and just don't talk much now). The third is that no-one, including my mum, has any idea that my son was denied essential support for years because the professionals involved were all under the impression, thanks to my mum, that there was nothing wrong with my son that a bit of decent parenting wouldn't sort out, and as such has been left with more serious problems because of the lack of early intervention (as they call in here in the UK).
My aunt (mum's sister) wrote to me recently and asked me if I could see my way to sending my mum a card for her 70th, as she knows it would mean the world to her. Apparently my mum tells the whole family that she adores me, but that I refuse to speak to her.
My sister recently moved a couple of hundred miles away to get away from my mum (tried that myself, didn't work) and as I stepped out of my door this afternoon my mum was driving past my house. She's done this in phases over the years, what on earth she hopes to achieve I don't know but it's always at the time I drop my son off to his club and she has no reason to be driving past here, it's just a housing estate and my house isn't on a main road that leads anywhere else. She drove by waving madly at my son, my beautiful lad who has so many problems and whose life has been so much harder because of her and her bloody madness and the chaos it's created.
Thinking along the lines of the lack of reality and lack of factual information that's been spread around over the years, I have been thinking about writing two letters, one to my mum, one to her sister, explaining just how much damage she has done to my son and what the long term implications are for him now. A factual account, not an emotional one.
I don't want, need or expect a reply from either of them, or any kind of validation or recognition (I think). I just feel there ought to be a version of the truth put forward, not that I think it would make any different to the way she is or what she does but, I don't know, I kind of feel like I'm letting my boy down by not speaking up on his behalf.
What do you all think?