Maybe Hops, Hi there Hops

My room mate made in inversion blended veggie soup and gave me a bit, tastes really good. Has butternut squash and other vegs.
Just in a dark mood following the news of beheadings and such.
I decided to look up the number of people who have been amputated in our current war and it's been like over 200 people according to what I found though I am not sure how accurate it is. It's not like widely advertised in the news exactly or maybe I have just missed it. So I am just kind of into that dark subject because misfortune sometimes fascinates me. It's the way that there are SO MANY PEOPLE in this world who go through a hard time. It's not just a few sad stories. It is so many people.
I am okay. just doing laundry and having hot tea, listening to the country radio. Looking at old black and white photos and reading about surgery.