Wonderful thinking, Tupp...I'm so glad you're doing more DOING.
I am busting myself on too much hiding/avoiding, too.
As to the urge to contact your Mom. I don't know because I am not
there, but feel that only you can decide how dangerous she is to your
emotional wellbeing in the present. You know better than anyone what
it was like in the past....
At the same time, I also believe that sometimes, when one has become
healed and strong, compassion and even sometimes contact, with Ns is
possible. In my case, it cost me a lot, but at the very end...compassion
won and my care of her gave me peace.
I DONT think it was worth 10 years of my Cinderella-ing, but it took me those
10 years of study and therapy and struggle for me to just...become different.
She became de-monsterized. She was JUST as manipulative and emotionally
untrustworthy in general as she ever was. But at the same time, age made
her vulnerable, and I felt pity (the appropriate kind), and I did make better
All in all, I don't think I can advise anyone else, and am only perhaps
seeing my own scalding decade of mother-care in a revisionist, hindsight
kind of way. I do feel clean and complete, as far as being a daughter.
I don't know how haunted or not-haunted she was in her last days. I
did have one hugely validating moment with her when she openly acknowledged
my brother's treatment of me. It was astonishing how much that helped me.
Your mother? I dunno. If she's still in full faculties and vital AND toxic--
it might be unwise. And I liked your insight about creating new pain or
chaos, because your healing self and healthier self are also your UNFAMILIAR
selves--and to you, in an unconscious way, that is more "comfortable." Only
because it's very old, and familiar.
I take that back--it's not unconscious at all, really. Because you are pondering
it now and being open right now to a more protective way of thinking about
what's happening with those emotional impulses. Taking more caution with
your wellbeing.
I guess my main advice would be to keep checking in with yourself, trusting
your own strong mind and insights -- and do nothing on impulse. Or out of
strong emotion.
If in some while you find the recurring thoughts add up to you wanting to
make a gesture or make a change for your OWN current reasons, and you
feel balanced enough to set AND HOLD strong boundaries....you can always
make a new choice then.
No help, I'm afraid. But I'm not afraid for you...