Author Topic: Final PM to Seeker  (Read 1151 times)


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Final PM to Seeker
« on: December 01, 2004, 01:43:54 PM »
Dearest Seeker,

I don’t know if this is pointless, but I thought I would try.

I tried to pm this to you, but you are no longer even on the memeberlist.

It took me to reread several times the posts that led up to what I see as a terrible misunderstanding. What finally caught my attention was the the Disco Guy poster. Is this what made you question DG? You see, at first I couldn't figure it out. Disco? Oh, disco, as in discounted- discounted guy- a mockery of DG. Or Dg herself? Is this what you were thinking? Or?

I have developed a pen pal friendship with DG, I want you to be aware of that so you know I am being upfront and not into trickery. I have never seen anything about her that seemed inconsistent. She has always said the nicest things about you. We both have talked admiringly about you. You are  a light, and much appreciated.

Who am I? My name is Jennifer, and I live in xxxxxxx, California, not too far from you. I worked in several xxxxxxx restaurants, the lastest being xxxxxxxx, now moved to xxxxx, called xxxxx  xxxx. All of the imagination there going into the food, in lieu of a clever name for the restaurant! If you ever have a chance, I would recommend having a special dinner there. It is fabulous, beautiful food. I ultimately recommend the Rack of Lamb, the Seabass, or the Filet.  mmmmm…yummy… .

You know of the town of xxxxxxx? Of xxxxxxx? Aka Stepford? I know the Nvironment well, as we were joking about before being blindsided.

Anyway, this is just to let you know I am for real, and I understand your suspicion. I don’t fully trust anyone on V board. How can we? It is feeling in the dark.. I just hope my words will add understanding to you. I hate to see you hurt, or to see DG hurt either.

Take care Seeker, whoever you are.  I know in some ways this is meaningless, and for sure, I will never come back to the Vboard, but maybe in the ethereal world we all belong to, it will make a difference. Even though we will never meet on the planet, I know at the God hub- however you see that to be, we are all connected.

 If you don’t answer, I understand. Take care and I wish you much peace, love, and happiness in your life, Seeker. Love, Jennifer

I wrote this for Seeker, so I know all of it it won't make sense to others. I want her  for her to see my feelings, all the same. And to voice a small defence for DG.


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Final PM to Seeker
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2004, 11:15:30 PM »
Oh my, I had no idea what was going on! I hadn't heard from you in a while and indeed, I have been OVERWHELMED with school... But I hoped we could keep our dream buddies going as soon as I have finished with finals... I have just checked my inbox for the first time in months, and found that your messages are all gone.
Then I read this post... I am sad to see you go, my friend...
But, I certainly affirm you doing whatever you feel is right for you! You are strong and wise indeed!
... there is a saying that goes something like, "sometimes friends walk into and out of our lives .. and some leave footprints on our hearts"
I know you have left your wise, sweet footprints on this board.

Thank you for your friendship! May peace be yours, Jenny