Boy, this is a very frank post so thankyou.
There is so much to talk about. Mechanical sex with a randy old goat doesn't sound like a turn on. When I was fifty five i felt pretty normally sexual and it surprised me because I thought I was too old and that it all would not work anymore after menopause. what perked me up when I would have sworn I was dead from the waist down was a guy who reallly turned me on. Just the sound of his voice or him laughing. The relationship had intimacy with or without sex.
I am sorry it is so bleak for you. You need love and support. Before you chuck the relationship it might be an idea to clear up the sleep apnea ( snoring), get your hormones looked at by the best specialist you can find, and believe you have the right to say no. Cripes he should be happy you are alive, let alone not available to be a sex puppet. the trouble is that many men only know how to be close to their mate by screwing them. This does not seem to work. However, I am no expert.
I looked on YouTube and saw a talk by Michelle Weiner Davis that kind of put another spin on it. She has some very good ideas and is an expert couples counsellor and professor etc.
We are all dying. It is a good reminder to love yourself and do the things that bring you joy. nevermind the hubby. Life is so much bigger than that and you know it. You have a very big heart and spirit. Feed them in the ways that are good for you. Mechanical sex. Maybe not so much.
Lots of love,