Thanks, Tupp.
I decided my intuition was that this was his nature was strong enough to not drag it out. I really appreciate that after all this practice, I feel much more comfortable making decisions than I used to.
I wouldn't be happy with someone who has trouble showing interest in what I have to say. He just can't focus enough to listen. Wrote him a compassionate note about it, but did explain "What I really needed was for you to talk less, and show interest in what I had to say, and I sense it was a struggle. I understand, because you're recently heartbroken [his marriage ended and he acknowledges not being over it] and trying to find your balance. But I'm not the one for you. We both have interesting histories and strong personalities and I can't be a happy supporter or friend without reciprocity. Best wishes..."
He wrote back a very pleasant note saying he understood and appreciated my candor and that I was perceptive. And that if our paths ever crossed again he knew he would still like me.
No harm done in either direction and another positive date experience. Don't regret meeting him at all, he's quite interesting. And neither one of us sought to hurt the other.
All good. Farewells are okay.